Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Research article
26 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 26 Apr 2021

Ground-based temperature and humidity profiling: combining active and passive remote sensors

David D. Turner and Ulrich Löhnert

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Using optimal estimation to retrieve winds from velocity-azimuth display (VAD) scans by a Doppler lidar
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Barrera-Verdejo, M., Crewell, S., Löhnert, U., Orlandi, E., and Di Girolamo, P.: Ground-based lidar and microwave radiometry synergy for high vertical resolution absolute humidity profiling, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4013–4028,, 2016. 
Bluestein, H. B., Wienhoff, Z. B., Turner, D. D., Reif, D. W., Snyder, J. C., Thiem, K. J., and Houser, J. B.: A comparison of the fine-scale structures of a prefrontal wind-shift line and a strong cold front in the Southern Plains of the U.S., Mon. Weather Rev.., 145, 3307–3330,, 2017. 
Blumberg, W. G., Turner, D. D., Löhnert, U., and Castleberry, S.: Ground based temperature and humidity profiling using spectral infrared and microwave observations, Part II: Actual retrieval performance in clear-sky and cloudy conditions, J. Appl. Meteorol., 54, 2305–2319, 2015. 
Caumont, O., Cimini, D., Löhnert, U., Alados-Arboledas, L., Bleisch, R., Buffa, F., Ferrario, M.E., Haefele, A., Huet, T., Madonna, F., and Pace, G.: Assimilation of humidity and temperature observations retrieved from ground-based microwave radiometers into a convective-scale NWP model, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 142, 2692–2704,, 2016. 
Short summary
Temperature and humidity profiles in the lowest couple of kilometers near the surface are very important for many applications. Passive spectral radiometers are commercially available, and observations from these instruments have been used to get these profiles. However, new active lidar systems are able to measure partial profiles of water vapor. This paper investigates how the derived profiles of water vapor and temperature are improved when the active and passive observations are combined.