Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Research article
28 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 28 Feb 2023

Validation of Aeolus wind profiles using ground-based lidar and radiosonde observations at Réunion island and the Observatoire de Haute-Provence

Mathieu Ratynski, Sergey Khaykin, Alain Hauchecorne, Robin Wing, Jean-Pierre Cammas, Yann Hello, and Philippe Keckhut

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EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Preprint under review for AMT
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Evidence of a dual African and Australian biomass burning influence on the vertical distribution of aerosol and carbon monoxide over the southwest Indian Ocean basin in early 2020
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3D wind observations with a compact mobile lidar based on tropo- and stratospheric aerosol backscatter
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Subject: Others (Wind, Precipitation, Temperature, etc.) | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Data Processing and Information Retrieval
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Cited articles

Albertema, S.: Validation of Aeolus satellite wind observations with aircraft-derived wind data and the ECMWF NWP model for an enhanced understanding of atmospheric dynamics, Master thesis Utrecht Un., the Netherlands, (last access: 9 February 2022), 2019. 
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Baars, H., Herzog, A., Heese, B., Ohneiser, K., Hanbuch, K., Hofer, J., Yin, Z., Engelmann, R., and Wandinger, U.: Validation of Aeolus wind products above the Atlantic Ocean, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6007–6024,, 2020. 
Baron, A., Chazette, P., Khaykin, S., Payen, G., Marquestaut, N., Bègue, N., and Duflot, V.: Early Evolution of the Hunga-Tonga Stratospheric Aerosol Plume observed by Lidar at La Réunion (21 S, 55 E), ESS Open Archive, 6 September 2022,, 2022. 
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Short summary
Aeolus is the first spaceborne wind lidar providing global wind measurements since 2018. This study offers a comprehensive analysis of Aeolus instrument performance, using ground-based wind lidars and meteorological radiosondes, at tropical and mid-latitudes sites. The analysis allows assessing the long-term evolution of the satellite's performance for more than 3 years. The results will help further elaborate the understanding of the error sources and the behavior of the Doppler wind lidar.