Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
Research article
27 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 27 Jan 2015

Distinguishing cirrus cloud presence in autonomous lidar measurements

J. R. Campbell, M. A. Vaughan, M. Oo, R. E. Holz, J. R. Lewis, and E. J. Welton

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Cited articles

Cadet, B., Goldfarb, L., Faduilhe, D., Baldy, S., Giraud, V., Keckhut, P., and Réchou, A.: A sub-tropical cirrus clouds climatology from Reunion Island (21_S, 55_E) lidar data set, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1130,, 2003.
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Chew, B. N., Campbell, J. R., Reid, J. S., Giles, D. M., Welton, E. J., Salinas, S. V., and Liew, S. C.: Tropical cirrus cloud contamination in sun photometer data, Atmos. Environ., 45, 6724–6731,, 2011.
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Digital thresholds based on 2012 CALIOP satellite lidar measurements are investigated for distinguishing cirrus cloud presence, including cloud top temperatures and heights combined with layer depolarization and phase and optical depths. A cloud top temperature of -37 C is found to exhibit the most stable performance, owing to it being the point of homogeneous liquid-water freezing. Depolarization and phase help but are mostly ambiguous at warmer temperatures where mixed-phase clouds propagate.