Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
28 Feb 2018
Research article |  | 28 Feb 2018

Information content analysis: the potential for methane isotopologue retrieval from GOSAT-2

Edward Malina, Yukio Yoshida, Tsuneo Matsunaga, and Jan-Peter Muller

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Short summary
We present an assessment of the predicted information content and retrieval errors for 13CH4 retrieval from the planned GOSAT-2 satellite, assuming a wide range of land surface conditions. Retrieval of this quantity may allow for estimation of methane source types (e.g. biological or non-biological) based on the δ13C metric. We conclude that GOSAT-2 can be used for this purpose (to an accuracy of 10 ‰) assuming sufficient spatial (regional) and temporal (at least monthly) averaging.