Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Research article
12 Jan 2021
Research article |  | 12 Jan 2021

McRALI: a Monte Carlo high-spectral-resolution lidar and Doppler radar simulator for three-dimensional cloudy atmosphere remote sensing

Frédéric Szczap, Alaa Alkasem, Guillaume Mioche, Valery Shcherbakov, Céline Cornet, Julien Delanoë, Yahya Gour, Olivier Jourdan, Sandra Banson, and Edouard Bray

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Cited articles

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Battaglia, A., Ajewole, M. O., and Simmer, C.: Evaluation of Radar Multiple-Scattering Effects from a GPM Perspective. Part I: Model Description and Validation, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 45, 1634–1647,, 2006. 
Short summary
Spaceborne lidar and radar are suitable tools to investigate cloud vertical properties on a global scale. This paper presents the McRALI code that provides simulations of lidar and radar signals from the EarthCARE mission. Regarding radar signals, cloud heterogeneity induces a severe bias in velocity estimates. Regarding lidar signals, multiple scattering is not negligible. Our results also give some insight into the reliability of lidar signal modeling using independent column approximation.