the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
A generalised background correction algorithm for a Halo Doppler lidar and its application to data from Finland
Antti J. Manninen
Ewan J. O'Connor
Ville Vakkari
Tuukka Petäjä
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We present a novel version of an aerosol number size distribution instrument, showcasing its capability to measure particle number concentration and particle number size distribution between 1 and 12 nm. Our results show that the instrument agrees well with existing instrumentation and allows for both the accurate measurement of the smallest particles and overlap with more conventional aerosol number size distribution instruments.
variantsof the model using an implausibility metric. Despite many compensating effects in the model, the procedure constrains the probability distributions of many parameters, and direct radiative forcing uncertainty is reduced by 34 %.
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