Articles | Volume 14, issue 8
Research article
17 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2021

Introducing the MISR level 2 near real-time aerosol product

Marcin L. Witek, Michael J. Garay, David J. Diner, Michael A. Bull, Felix C. Seidel, Abigail M. Nastan, and Earl G. Hansen

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Short summary
This article documents the development and testing of a new near real-time (NRT) aerosol product from the MISR instrument on NASA’s Terra platform. The NRT product capitalizes on the unique attributes of the MISR retrieval approach, which leads to a high-quality and reliable aerosol data product. Several modifications are described that allow for rapid product generation within a 3 h window following acquisition. Implications for the product quality and consistency are discussed.