Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
10 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 10 Jun 2024

The first microwave and submillimetre closure study using particle models of oriented ice hydrometeors to simulate polarimetric measurements of ice clouds

Karina McCusker, Anthony J. Baran, Chris Westbrook, Stuart Fox, Patrick Eriksson, Richard Cotton, Julien Delanoë, and Florian Ewald

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Baran, A. J., Cotton, R., Furtado, K., Havemann, S., Labonnote, L. C., Marenco, F., Smith, A., and Thelen, J.-C.: A self-consistent scattering model for cirrus. II: The high and low frequencies, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 140, 1039–1057, 2014. a
Baran, A. J., Ishimoto, H., Sourdeval, O., Hesse, E., and Harlow, C.: The applicability of physical optics in the millimetre and sub-millimetre spectral region. Part II: Application to a three-component model of ice cloud and its evaluation against the bulk single-scattering properties of various other aggregate models, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Ra., 206, 83–100, 2018. a
Barlakas, V. and Eriksson, P.: Three Dimensional Radiative Effects in Passive Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter All-sky Observations, Remote Sens.-Basel, 12, 531,, 2020. a
Short summary
Polarised radiative transfer simulations are performed using an atmospheric model based on in situ measurements. These are compared to large polarisation measurements to explore whether such measurements can provide information on cloud ice, e.g. particle shape and orientation. We find that using oriented particle models with shapes based on imagery generally allows for accurate simulations. However, results are sensitive to shape assumptions such as the choice of single crystals or aggregates.