Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Research article
03 Jan 2017
Research article |  | 03 Jan 2017

HAI, a new airborne, absolute, twin dual-channel, multi-phase TDLAS-hygrometer: background, design, setup, and first flight data

Bernhard Buchholz, Armin Afchine, Alexander Klein, Cornelius Schiller, Martina Krämer, and Volker Ebert

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Cited articles

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Buchholz, B.: Entwicklung, Primärvalidierung und Feldeinsatz neuartiger, kalibrierungsfreier Laser-Hygrometer für Forschungsflugzeuge, Dissertation TU-Darmstadt, available at: (last access: 18 December 2016), 2014.
Buchholz, B. and Ebert, V.: Compact, compression-free, displaceable, and resealable vacuum feedthrough with built-in strain relief for sensitive components such as optical fibers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85, 055109,, 2014a.
Buchholz, B. and Ebert, V.: Offsets in fiber-coupled diode laser hygrometers caused by parasitic absorption effects and their prevention, Meas. Sci. and Technol., 25, 075501,, 2014b.
Short summary
HAI is a fully autonomous, airborne hygrometer for atmospheric investigations for simultaneous gas-phase/total H2O detection on the HALO aircraft. HAI employs first-principle, direct, tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (dTDLAS) for calibration-free, absolute H2O detection. HAI simultaneously measures at 1.4/2.6 µm and in closed-/open-path configuration, covers a H2O range of 1–40 000ppmv at up to 1.4 ms time resolution and achieves precisions of 0.18/0.055 ppmv at 1.4/2.6 µm.