Articles | Volume 10, issue 10
Research article
05 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 05 Oct 2017

Analysis and evaluation of WRF microphysical schemes for deep moist convection over south-eastern South America (SESA) using microwave satellite observations and radiative transfer simulations

Victoria Sol Galligani, Die Wang, Milagros Alvarez Imaz, Paola Salio, and Catherine Prigent

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Short summary
Three meteorological events with deep convection and severe weather, characteristic of the SESA region, are considered. High-resolution models, a powerful tool to study convection, can be operated with different microphysics schemes (predict the development of hydrometeors, their interactions, growth, precipitation). We present a systematic evaluation of the microphysical schemes available in the WRF model by a direct comparison between satellite-based simulated and observed microwave radiances.