Articles | Volume 12, issue 7
Research article
10 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 10 Jul 2019

Evaluation of ambient ammonia measurements from a research aircraft using a closed-path QC-TILDAS operated with active continuous passivation

Ilana B. Pollack, Jakob Lindaas, J. Robert Roscioli, Michael Agnese, Wade Permar, Lu Hu, and Emily V. Fischer

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Cited articles

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A closed-path infrared absorption spectrometer was outfitted with the option for active continuous passivation for measuring large, rapid gradients in atmospheric NH3 from a research aircraft. In-flight and ground observations show utility in passivant addition for recovering instrument time response when sampling surfaces are contaminated and cannot be cleaned in a timely manner and for maintaining rapid time response in an NH3-rich and humid environment over a several-week-long field campaign.