Articles | Volume 11, issue 9
Research article
26 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2018

The instrument constant of sky radiometers (POM-02) – Part 2: Solid view angle

Akihiro Uchiyama, Tsuneo Matsunaga, and Akihiro Yamazaki

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Cited articles

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Khatri, P., Takamura, T., Nakajima, T., Estellés, V., Irie, H., Kuze, H., Campanelli, M., Sinyuk, A., Lee, S.-M., Sohn, B. J., Pandithurai, G., Kim, S.-W., Yoon, S. C., Martinez-Lozano, J. A., Hashimoto, M., Devara, P. C. S., and Manago, N.: Factors for inconsistent aerosol single scattering albedo between SKYNET and AERONET, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 121, 1859–1877,, 2016.  
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Short summary
Atmospheric aerosols are an important constituent of the atmosphere. Measurement networks using radiometers such as SKYNET have been developed. There are two constants that we must determine. One of them is the solid view angle (SVA) of the radiometer. The problems related to SVA were investigated. It was shown that the conventional method can cause a systematic underestimation, and an improved method was proposed. Utilizing the results of this paper, SKYNET data will become more reliable.