Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
03 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 03 Jan 2019

CALIPSO lidar calibration at 1064 nm: version 4 algorithm

Mark Vaughan, Anne Garnier, Damien Josset, Melody Avery, Kam-Pui Lee, Zhaoyan Liu, William Hunt, Jacques Pelon, Yongxiang Hu, Sharon Burton, Johnathan Hair, Jason L. Tackett, Brian Getzewich, Jayanta Kar, and Sharon Rodier

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The version 4 (V4) release of the CALIPSO data products includes substantial improvements to the calibration of the CALIOP 1064 nm channel. In this paper we review the fundamentals of 1064 nm lidar calibration, explain the motivations for the changes made to the algorithm, and describe the mechanics of the V4 calibration technique. Internal consistency checks and comparisons to collocated high spectral resolution lidar measurements show the V4 1064 nm calibration coefficients to within ~ 3 %.