Articles | Volume 8, issue 5
© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Special issue:
© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Ceilometer aerosol profiling versus Raman lidar in the frame of the INTERACT campaign of ACTRIS
Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale (CNR-IMAA),Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, C. da S. Loja – Zona Industriale, 85050 Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy
F. Amato
Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale (CNR-IMAA),Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, C. da S. Loja – Zona Industriale, 85050 Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy
J. Vande Hey
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Earth Observation Science Group, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
G. Pappalardo
Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale (CNR-IMAA),Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, C. da S. Loja – Zona Industriale, 85050 Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy
Related authors
Masatomo Fujiwara, Bomin Sun, Anthony Reale, Domenico Cimini, Salvatore Larosa, Lori Borg, Christoph von Rohden, Michael Sommer, Ruud Dirksen, Marion Maturilli, Holger Vömel, Rigel Kivi, Bruce Ingleby, Ryan J. Kramer, Belay Demoz, Fabio Madonna, Fabien Carminati, Owen Lewis, Brett Candy, Christopher Thomas, David Edwards, Noersomadi, Kensaku Shimizu, and Peter Thorne
EGUsphere,,, 2025
Short summary
Short summary
We assess and illustrate the benefits of high-altitude attainment of balloon-borne radiosonde soundings up to and beyond 10 hPa level from various aspects. We show that the extra costs and technical challenges involved in consistent attainment of high ascents are more than outweighed by the benefits for a broad variety of real time and delayed mode applications. Consistent attainment of high ascents should therefore be pursued across the balloon observational network.
Fabrizio Marra, Emanuele Tramutola, Marco Rosoldi, and Fabio Madonna
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
This article investigates the impact of sampling frequency on ozone partial pressure trends. By analyzing ozonesounding profiles obtained from three different networks within a unified database, the effects at different latitudes and vertical layers in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere are evaluated. This is significant because the unified database improves both spatial and temporal coverage, allowing for deeper analysis of ozone anomalies and global trends than individual datasets.
Fabio Madonna, Benedetto De Rosa, Simone Gagliardi, Ilaria Gandolfi, Yassmina Hesham Essa, Domenico Madonna, Fabrizio Marra, Maria Assunta Menniti, Donato Summa, Emanuele Tramutola, Faezeh Karimian Saracks, Filomena Romano, and Marco Rosoldi
Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for ESD
Short summary
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Extreme weather events in the Mediterranean have intensified, and understanding their causes is key to improving forecasts. This study used data from the MESSA-DIN measurement campaign in Soverato, Italy (July–September 2021) to analyze the water vapor fluxes effect in extreme weather events as well as the related ERA5 performances. This study highlights a bias in ERA5 reanalysis humidity and the importance of high-resolution data for improving weather predictions.
Donato Summa, Fabio Madonna, Noemi Franco, Benedetto De Rosa, and Paolo Di Girolamo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 4153–4170,,, 2022
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The evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer height (ABLH) has an important impact on meteorology. However, the complexity of the phenomena occurring within the ABL and the influence of advection and local accumulation processes often prevent an unambiguous determination of the ABLH. The paper reports results from an inter-comparison effort involving different sensors and techniques to measure the ABLH. Correlations between the ABLH and other atmospheric variables are also assessed.
Marco Rosoldi, Graziano Coppa, Andrea Merlone, Chiara Musacchio, and Fabio Madonna
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,, 2021
Preprint withdrawn
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A methodology based on tests in climatic chambers was proposed to evaluate the effect of radiosonde models’ change on radiosounding stations’ data series, in terms of measurements accuracy and homogeneity. For Vaisala radiosonde models RS92 and RS41, the noise, the calibration accuracy and the bias of their temperature sensors were quantified independently of the manufacturer. The potential effects of steep thermal changes during radiosondes’ pre-launch phase were also investigated.
Fabio Madonna, Emanuele Tramutola, Souleymane Sy, Federico Serva, Monica Proto, Marco Rosoldi, Simone Gagliardi, Francesco Amato, Fabrizio Marra, Alessandro Fassò, Tom Gardiner, and Peter William Thorne
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2020
Revised manuscript not accepted
Short summary
Short summary
In situ measurements, including radiosonde observations, are key for the study of climate. However, observations are more often than not influenced by instrumental effects which must be adjusted prior to their usage.
A novel approach, named RHARM (Radiosounding HARMonization), is able to improve quality of global radiosounding profiles of temperature, humidity and wind. RHARM also estimates the measurement uncertainties. This paper discusses the post-2004 radiosounding measurements only.
Fabio Madonna, Rigel Kivi, Jean-Charles Dupont, Bruce Ingleby, Masatomo Fujiwara, Gonzague Romanens, Miguel Hernandez, Xavier Calbet, Marco Rosoldi, Aldo Giunta, Tomi Karppinen, Masami Iwabuchi, Shunsuke Hoshino, Christoph von Rohden, and Peter William Thorne
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 3621–3649,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Radiosondes are one of the primary sources of upper-air data for weather and climate monitoring. In the last two decades, technological progress made available automated radiosonde launchers (ARLs), which are able to replace measurements typically performed manually. This work presents a comparative analysis of the technical performance of the ARLs currently available on the market and contribute to define a strategy to achieve the full traceability of the ARL products.
Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, Simone Lolli, Francesco Amato, Joshua Vande Hey, Ranvir Dhillon, Yunhui Zheng, Mike Brettle, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 2459–2475,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
The accurate monitoring of climate based on the use of low-cost and low-maintenance automatic system represents one of the challenges for the scientific community and instrument manufacturers for the next decade. In the frame of two experiments, INTERACT and INTERACT-II, taking place at CIAO (CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory) in Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy, commercial low-cost lidars have been compared with advanced lidar systems to assess their performances.
Simone Lolli, Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, James R. Campbell, Ellsworth J. Welton, Jasper R. Lewis, Yu Gu, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1639–1651,,, 2018
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We evaluate the comparability of aerosol and cloud vertically resolved optical properties obtained with varying lidar profiling techniques and/or data processing methodologies. The discrepancies are assessed by evaluating climate-sensitive direct radiative effects, computed by radiative transfer code means. Results show important discrepancies up to 0.8 W m−2 due to lidar data smoothing in cirrus clouds and a 0.05 W m−2 difference between Raman and elastic lidar technique on a dust layer aloft.
Peter W. Thorne, Fabio Madonna, Joerg Schulz, Tim Oakley, Bruce Ingleby, Marco Rosoldi, Emanuele Tramutola, Antti Arola, Matthias Buschmann, Anna C. Mikalsen, Richard Davy, Corinne Voces, Karin Kreher, Martine De Maziere, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 453–472,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
The term system-of-systems with respect to observational capabilities is frequently used, but what does it mean and how can it be assessed? Here, we define one possible interpretation of a system-of-systems architecture that is based upon demonstrable aspects of observing capabilities. We develop a set of assessment strands and then apply these to a set of atmospheric observational networks to decide which observations may be suitable for characterising satellite platforms in future work.
Slobodan Nickovic, Bojan Cvetkovic, Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, Goran Pejanovic, Slavko Petkovic, and Jugoslav Nikolic
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11367–11378,,, 2016
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Specific physical and mineralogical properties of desert dust particles cause extremely efficient production of ice crystals in clouds, thus influencing climate and weather even in regions far from dust sources. This study describes a methodology for predicting conditions of cold cloud formation due to dust. This approach required development of an integrated dust-atmospheric modelling system, designed to improve operational forecasts of weather in general, and cloud/precipitation in particular.
Ina Mattis, Giuseppe D'Amico, Holger Baars, Aldo Amodeo, Fabio Madonna, and Marco Iarlori
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3009–3029,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
We present an automated software tool for the retrieval of profiles of optical particle properties from lidar signals. This tool is one of the modules of the Single Calculus Chain of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). It allows for the analysis of the data of many different lidar systems of EARLINET in an automated, unsupervised way.
M. Iarlori, F. Madonna, V. Rizi, T. Trickl, and A. Amodeo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 5157–5176,,, 2015
Short summary
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Smoothing filters applied on lidar profiles reduce the resolution to a value indicated as the effective resolution (ERes). Several approaches to ERes estimation are investigated. The key result is an operative ERes calculation by ready-to-use equations. The presented procedures to assess the ERes are of general validity. The ERes equations are deemed to be used in automatic tools like the Single Calculus Chain. Several filters already employed in the lidar community are also critically analyzed.
F. Madonna, M. Rosoldi, J. Güldner, A. Haefele, R. Kivi, M. P. Cadeddu, D. Sisterson, and G. Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3813–3823,,, 2014
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The paper provides the community with criteria to quantify the value of complementary climate measurements and to assess how the uncertainty in a measurement of an ECV is reduced by measurement complementarity. The study demonstrates the potential of entropy and mutual correlation, defined in information theory as metrics for quantifying synergies, and shows that the random uncertainties of a single instrument time series of TCWV can be strongly reduced by including complementary measurements.
M. Wiegner, F. Madonna, I. Binietoglou, R. Forkel, J. Gasteiger, A. Geiß, G. Pappalardo, K. Schäfer, and W. Thomas
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1979–1997,,, 2014
A. Fassò, R. Ignaccolo, F. Madonna, B. B. Demoz, and M. Franco-Villoria
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1803–1816,,, 2014
G. Pappalardo, L. Mona, G. D'Amico, U. Wandinger, M. Adam, A. Amodeo, A. Ansmann, A. Apituley, L. Alados Arboledas, D. Balis, A. Boselli, J. A. Bravo-Aranda, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comeron, J. Cuesta, F. De Tomasi, V. Freudenthaler, M. Gausa, E. Giannakaki, H. Giehl, A. Giunta, I. Grigorov, S. Groß, M. Haeffelin, A. Hiebsch, M. Iarlori, D. Lange, H. Linné, F. Madonna, I. Mattis, R.-E. Mamouri, M. A. P. McAuliffe, V. Mitev, F. Molero, F. Navas-Guzman, D. Nicolae, A. Papayannis, M. R. Perrone, C. Pietras, A. Pietruczuk, G. Pisani, J. Preißler, M. Pujadas, V. Rizi, A. A. Ruth, J. Schmidt, F. Schnell, P. Seifert, I. Serikov, M. Sicard, V. Simeonov, N. Spinelli, K. Stebel, M. Tesche, T. Trickl, X. Wang, F. Wagner, M. Wiegner, and K. M. Wilson
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4429–4450,,, 2013
Masatomo Fujiwara, Bomin Sun, Anthony Reale, Domenico Cimini, Salvatore Larosa, Lori Borg, Christoph von Rohden, Michael Sommer, Ruud Dirksen, Marion Maturilli, Holger Vömel, Rigel Kivi, Bruce Ingleby, Ryan J. Kramer, Belay Demoz, Fabio Madonna, Fabien Carminati, Owen Lewis, Brett Candy, Christopher Thomas, David Edwards, Noersomadi, Kensaku Shimizu, and Peter Thorne
EGUsphere,,, 2025
Short summary
Short summary
We assess and illustrate the benefits of high-altitude attainment of balloon-borne radiosonde soundings up to and beyond 10 hPa level from various aspects. We show that the extra costs and technical challenges involved in consistent attainment of high ascents are more than outweighed by the benefits for a broad variety of real time and delayed mode applications. Consistent attainment of high ascents should therefore be pursued across the balloon observational network.
Fabrizio Marra, Emanuele Tramutola, Marco Rosoldi, and Fabio Madonna
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
This article investigates the impact of sampling frequency on ozone partial pressure trends. By analyzing ozonesounding profiles obtained from three different networks within a unified database, the effects at different latitudes and vertical layers in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere are evaluated. This is significant because the unified database improves both spatial and temporal coverage, allowing for deeper analysis of ozone anomalies and global trends than individual datasets.
Fabio Madonna, Benedetto De Rosa, Simone Gagliardi, Ilaria Gandolfi, Yassmina Hesham Essa, Domenico Madonna, Fabrizio Marra, Maria Assunta Menniti, Donato Summa, Emanuele Tramutola, Faezeh Karimian Saracks, Filomena Romano, and Marco Rosoldi
Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for ESD
Short summary
Short summary
Extreme weather events in the Mediterranean have intensified, and understanding their causes is key to improving forecasts. This study used data from the MESSA-DIN measurement campaign in Soverato, Italy (July–September 2021) to analyze the water vapor fluxes effect in extreme weather events as well as the related ERA5 performances. This study highlights a bias in ERA5 reanalysis humidity and the importance of high-resolution data for improving weather predictions.
Daniel A. Potts, Roger Timmis, Emma J. S. Ferranti, and Joshua D. Vande Hey
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 4577–4593,,, 2023
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With the launch of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) in 2017, it is now possible to observe pollutants emitted from individual industrial facilities on a daily basis around the globe. By using observations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from 16 different industrial sites, we show how the Coriolis effect influences the trajectory of these emission plumes as well as how the additional curvature can lead to a substantial underestimation of the calculated emissions.
Donato Summa, Fabio Madonna, Noemi Franco, Benedetto De Rosa, and Paolo Di Girolamo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 4153–4170,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
The evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer height (ABLH) has an important impact on meteorology. However, the complexity of the phenomena occurring within the ABL and the influence of advection and local accumulation processes often prevent an unambiguous determination of the ABLH. The paper reports results from an inter-comparison effort involving different sensors and techniques to measure the ABLH. Correlations between the ABLH and other atmospheric variables are also assessed.
Marios Panagi, Roberto Sommariva, Zoë L. Fleming, Paul S. Monks, Gongda Lu, Eloise A. Marais, James R. Hopkins, Alastair C. Lewis, Qiang Zhang, James D. Lee, Freya A. Squires, Lisa K. Whalley, Eloise J. Slater, Dwayne E. Heard, Robert Woodward-Massey, Chunxiang Ye, and Joshua D. Vande Hey
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,,, 2022
Revised manuscript not accepted
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A dispersion model and a box model were combined to investigate the evolution of VOCs in Beijing once they are emitted from anthropogenic sources. It was determined that during the winter time the VOC concentrations in Beijing are driven predominantly by sources within Beijing and by a combination of transport and chemistry during the summer. Furthermore, the results in the paper highlight the need for a season specific policy.
Marco Rosoldi, Graziano Coppa, Andrea Merlone, Chiara Musacchio, and Fabio Madonna
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,, 2021
Preprint withdrawn
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Short summary
A methodology based on tests in climatic chambers was proposed to evaluate the effect of radiosonde models’ change on radiosounding stations’ data series, in terms of measurements accuracy and homogeneity. For Vaisala radiosonde models RS92 and RS41, the noise, the calibration accuracy and the bias of their temperature sensors were quantified independently of the manufacturer. The potential effects of steep thermal changes during radiosondes’ pre-launch phase were also investigated.
Fabio Madonna, Emanuele Tramutola, Souleymane Sy, Federico Serva, Monica Proto, Marco Rosoldi, Simone Gagliardi, Francesco Amato, Fabrizio Marra, Alessandro Fassò, Tom Gardiner, and Peter William Thorne
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2020
Revised manuscript not accepted
Short summary
Short summary
In situ measurements, including radiosonde observations, are key for the study of climate. However, observations are more often than not influenced by instrumental effects which must be adjusted prior to their usage.
A novel approach, named RHARM (Radiosounding HARMonization), is able to improve quality of global radiosounding profiles of temperature, humidity and wind. RHARM also estimates the measurement uncertainties. This paper discusses the post-2004 radiosounding measurements only.
Fabio Madonna, Rigel Kivi, Jean-Charles Dupont, Bruce Ingleby, Masatomo Fujiwara, Gonzague Romanens, Miguel Hernandez, Xavier Calbet, Marco Rosoldi, Aldo Giunta, Tomi Karppinen, Masami Iwabuchi, Shunsuke Hoshino, Christoph von Rohden, and Peter William Thorne
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 3621–3649,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Radiosondes are one of the primary sources of upper-air data for weather and climate monitoring. In the last two decades, technological progress made available automated radiosonde launchers (ARLs), which are able to replace measurements typically performed manually. This work presents a comparative analysis of the technical performance of the ARLs currently available on the market and contribute to define a strategy to achieve the full traceability of the ARL products.
Cristina Ruiz Villena, Jasdeep S. Anand, Roland J. Leigh, Paul S. Monks, Claire E. Parfitt, and Joshua D. Vande Hey
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 1735–1756,,, 2020
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We present a new method to derive NO2 concentrations from satellite observations that uses up to 30 times less spectral information than traditional methods. We tested the method using data from existing instruments OMI and TROPOMI and found our results agree with the reference data to 5 % and 11 %, respectively. Our method could allow for simpler instrument designs that can be used in low-cost constellations of small satellites for air quality monitoring at high spatial and temporal resolution.
Marios Panagi, Zoë L. Fleming, Paul S. Monks, Matthew J. Ashfold, Oliver Wild, Michael Hollaway, Qiang Zhang, Freya A. Squires, and Joshua D. Vande Hey
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 2825–2838,,, 2020
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In this paper, using dispersion modelling with emission inventories it was determined that on average 45 % of the total CO pollution that affects Beijing is transported from other areas. About half of the CO comes from beyond the immediate surrounding areas. Finally three classification types of pollution were identified and used to analyse the APHH winter campaign. The results can inform targeted control measures to be implemented in Beijing and the other regions to tackle air quality problems.
Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, Simone Lolli, Francesco Amato, Joshua Vande Hey, Ranvir Dhillon, Yunhui Zheng, Mike Brettle, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 2459–2475,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
The accurate monitoring of climate based on the use of low-cost and low-maintenance automatic system represents one of the challenges for the scientific community and instrument manufacturers for the next decade. In the frame of two experiments, INTERACT and INTERACT-II, taking place at CIAO (CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory) in Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy, commercial low-cost lidars have been compared with advanced lidar systems to assess their performances.
Simone Lolli, Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, James R. Campbell, Ellsworth J. Welton, Jasper R. Lewis, Yu Gu, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1639–1651,,, 2018
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Short summary
We evaluate the comparability of aerosol and cloud vertically resolved optical properties obtained with varying lidar profiling techniques and/or data processing methodologies. The discrepancies are assessed by evaluating climate-sensitive direct radiative effects, computed by radiative transfer code means. Results show important discrepancies up to 0.8 W m−2 due to lidar data smoothing in cirrus clouds and a 0.05 W m−2 difference between Raman and elastic lidar technique on a dust layer aloft.
Peter W. Thorne, Fabio Madonna, Joerg Schulz, Tim Oakley, Bruce Ingleby, Marco Rosoldi, Emanuele Tramutola, Antti Arola, Matthias Buschmann, Anna C. Mikalsen, Richard Davy, Corinne Voces, Karin Kreher, Martine De Maziere, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 453–472,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
The term system-of-systems with respect to observational capabilities is frequently used, but what does it mean and how can it be assessed? Here, we define one possible interpretation of a system-of-systems architecture that is based upon demonstrable aspects of observing capabilities. We develop a set of assessment strands and then apply these to a set of atmospheric observational networks to decide which observations may be suitable for characterising satellite platforms in future work.
Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Livio Belegante, Volker Freudenthaler, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Doina Nicolae, María José Granados-Muñoz, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Aldo Amodeo, Giusseppe D'Amico, Ronny Engelmann, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Panos Kokkalis, Rodanthy Mamouri, Alex Papayannis, Francisco Navas-Guzmán, Francisco José Olmo, Ulla Wandinger, Francesco Amato, and Martial Haeffelin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4935–4953,,, 2016
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This work analyses the lidar polarizing sensitivity by means of the Stokes–Müller formalism and provides a new tool to quantify the systematic error of the volume linear depolarization ration (δ) using the Monte Carlo technique. Results evidence the importance of the lidar polarizing effects which can lead to systematic errors larger than 100 %. Additionally, we demonstrate that a proper lidar characterization helps to reduce the uncertainty.
Slobodan Nickovic, Bojan Cvetkovic, Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, Goran Pejanovic, Slavko Petkovic, and Jugoslav Nikolic
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11367–11378,,, 2016
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Short summary
Specific physical and mineralogical properties of desert dust particles cause extremely efficient production of ice crystals in clouds, thus influencing climate and weather even in regions far from dust sources. This study describes a methodology for predicting conditions of cold cloud formation due to dust. This approach required development of an integrated dust-atmospheric modelling system, designed to improve operational forecasts of weather in general, and cloud/precipitation in particular.
Ina Mattis, Giuseppe D'Amico, Holger Baars, Aldo Amodeo, Fabio Madonna, and Marco Iarlori
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3009–3029,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
We present an automated software tool for the retrieval of profiles of optical particle properties from lidar signals. This tool is one of the modules of the Single Calculus Chain of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). It allows for the analysis of the data of many different lidar systems of EARLINET in an automated, unsupervised way.
María José Granados-Muñoz, Francisco Navas-Guzmán, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Ioannis Binietoglou, Sergio Nepomuceno Pereira, Sara Basart, José María Baldasano, Livio Belegante, Anatoli Chaikovsky, Adolfo Comerón, Giuseppe D'Amico, Oleg Dubovik, Luka Ilic, Panos Kokkalis, Constantino Muñoz-Porcar, Slobodan Nickovic, Doina Nicolae, Francisco José Olmo, Alexander Papayannis, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Alejandro Rodríguez, Kerstin Schepanski, Michaël Sicard, Ana Vukovic, Ulla Wandinger, François Dulac, and Lucas Alados-Arboledas
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7043–7066,,, 2016
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This study provides a detailed overview of the Mediterranean region regarding aerosol microphysical properties during the ChArMEx/EMEP campaign in July 2012. An in-depth analysis of the horizontal, vertical, and temporal dimensions is performed using LIRIC, proving the algorithm's ability in automated retrieval of microphysical property profiles within a network. A validation of four dust models is included, obtaining fair good agreement, especially for the vertical distribution of the aerosol.
Dimitris Balis, Maria-Elissavet Koukouli, Nikolaos Siomos, Spyridon Dimopoulos, Lucia Mona, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Franco Marenco, Lieven Clarisse, Lucy J. Ventress, Elisa Carboni, Roy G. Grainger, Ping Wang, Gijsbert Tilstra, Ronald van der A, Nicolas Theys, and Claus Zehner
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5705–5720,,, 2016
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The ESA-funded SACS-2 and SMASH projects developed and improved dedicated satellite-derived ash plume and sulfur dioxide level assessments. These estimates were validated using ground-based and aircraft lidar measurements. The validation results are promising for most satellite products and are within the estimated uncertainties of each of the comparative data sets. The IASI data show a better consistency concerning the ash optical depth and ash layer height.
Ulla Wandinger, Volker Freudenthaler, Holger Baars, Aldo Amodeo, Ronny Engelmann, Ina Mattis, Silke Groß, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Aldo Giunta, Giuseppe D'Amico, Anatoli Chaikovsky, Fiodor Osipenko, Alexander Slesar, Doina Nicolae, Livio Belegante, Camelia Talianu, Ilya Serikov, Holger Linné, Friedhelm Jansen, Arnoud Apituley, Keith M. Wilson, Martin de Graaf, Thomas Trickl, Helmut Giehl, Mariana Adam, Adolfo Comerón, Constantino Muñoz-Porcar, Francesc Rocadenbosch, Michaël Sicard, Sergio Tomás, Diego Lange, Dhiraj Kumar, Manuel Pujadas, Francisco Molero, Alfonso J. Fernández, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Francisco Navas-Guzmán, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, María José Granados-Muñoz, Jana Preißler, Frank Wagner, Michael Gausa, Ivan Grigorov, Dimitar Stoyanov, Marco Iarlori, Vincenco Rizi, Nicola Spinelli, Antonella Boselli, Xuan Wang, Teresa Lo Feudo, Maria Rita Perrone, Ferdinando De Tomasi, and Pasquale Burlizzi
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1001–1023,,, 2016
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We introduce the quality-assurance efforts of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) at instrument level. Within several campaigns, 21 EARLINET systems from 18 EARLINET stations were intercompared. A comprehensive strategy for campaign setup and data evaluation was established. The intercomparisons have reinforced our confidence in the EARLINET data quality and allowed us to draw conclusions on necessary system improvements and to identify major challenges for our future work.
Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Lucia Mona, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Vassilis Amiridis, Holger Baars, Ioannis Binietoglou, Daniele Bortoli, Giuseppe D'Amico, Aldo Giunta, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Anja Schwarz, Sergio Pereira, Nicola Spinelli, Ulla Wandinger, Xuan Wang, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2341–2357,,, 2016
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Satellite-derived products must undergo data evaluation with reference data sets in order to identify any possible reasons of discrepancy or to assess their representativity. In that direction, data coming from CALIPSO satellite were compared with observations from the ground. We identified a CALIPSO underestimation that could be linked to an assumption in the satellites' algorithms. The proposed correction improves the performance and could enhance aerosol modeling.
Giuseppe D'Amico, Aldo Amodeo, Ina Mattis, Volker Freudenthaler, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 491–507,,, 2016
M. Iarlori, F. Madonna, V. Rizi, T. Trickl, and A. Amodeo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 5157–5176,,, 2015
Short summary
Short summary
Smoothing filters applied on lidar profiles reduce the resolution to a value indicated as the effective resolution (ERes). Several approaches to ERes estimation are investigated. The key result is an operative ERes calculation by ready-to-use equations. The presented procedures to assess the ERes are of general validity. The ERes equations are deemed to be used in automatic tools like the Single Calculus Chain. Several filters already employed in the lidar community are also critically analyzed.
G. D'Amico, A. Amodeo, H. Baars, I. Binietoglou, V. Freudenthaler, I. Mattis, U. Wandinger, and G. Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 4891–4916,,, 2015
J. P. Lawrence, J. S. Anand, J. D. Vande Hey, J. White, R. R. Leigh, P. S. Monks, and R. J. Leigh
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 4735–4754,,, 2015
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Short summary
An airborne spectrometer was used to produce a high spatial resolution (80 x 20 m) map of nitrogen dioxide over Leicester City (UK) and the surrounding countryside. Clear local hotspots due to traffic, industrial activity and power generation are observable, as are comparative reductions over parks and rural areas. A positive temporal gradient was also observed over the 2-hour flight, possibly indicating traffic build-up over time.
I. Binietoglou, S. Basart, L. Alados-Arboledas, V. Amiridis, A. Argyrouli, H. Baars, J. M. Baldasano, D. Balis, L. Belegante, J. A. Bravo-Aranda, P. Burlizzi, V. Carrasco, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comerón, G. D'Amico, M. Filioglou, M. J. Granados-Muñoz, J. L. Guerrero-Rascado, L. Ilic, P. Kokkalis, A. Maurizi, L. Mona, F. Monti, C. Muñoz-Porcar, D. Nicolae, A. Papayannis, G. Pappalardo, G. Pejanovic, S. N. Pereira, M. R. Perrone, A. Pietruczuk, M. Posyniak, F. Rocadenbosch, A. Rodríguez-Gómez, M. Sicard, N. Siomos, A. Szkop, E. Terradellas, A. Tsekeri, A. Vukovic, U. Wandinger, and J. Wagner
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3577–3600,,, 2015
F. Madonna, M. Rosoldi, J. Güldner, A. Haefele, R. Kivi, M. P. Cadeddu, D. Sisterson, and G. Pappalardo
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3813–3823,,, 2014
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The paper provides the community with criteria to quantify the value of complementary climate measurements and to assess how the uncertainty in a measurement of an ECV is reduced by measurement complementarity. The study demonstrates the potential of entropy and mutual correlation, defined in information theory as metrics for quantifying synergies, and shows that the random uncertainties of a single instrument time series of TCWV can be strongly reduced by including complementary measurements.
L. Mona, N. Papagiannopoulos, S. Basart, J. Baldasano, I. Binietoglou, C. Cornacchia, and G. Pappalardo
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8781–8793,,, 2014
G. Pappalardo, A. Amodeo, A. Apituley, A. Comeron, V. Freudenthaler, H. Linné, A. Ansmann, J. Bösenberg, G. D'Amico, I. Mattis, L. Mona, U. Wandinger, V. Amiridis, L. Alados-Arboledas, D. Nicolae, and M. Wiegner
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 2389–2409,,, 2014
M. Wiegner, F. Madonna, I. Binietoglou, R. Forkel, J. Gasteiger, A. Geiß, G. Pappalardo, K. Schäfer, and W. Thomas
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1979–1997,,, 2014
A. Fassò, R. Ignaccolo, F. Madonna, B. B. Demoz, and M. Franco-Villoria
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1803–1816,,, 2014
A. Petzold, J. A. Ogren, M. Fiebig, P. Laj, S.-M. Li, U. Baltensperger, T. Holzer-Popp, S. Kinne, G. Pappalardo, N. Sugimoto, C. Wehrli, A. Wiedensohler, and X.-Y. Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 8365–8379,,, 2013
G. Pappalardo, L. Mona, G. D'Amico, U. Wandinger, M. Adam, A. Amodeo, A. Ansmann, A. Apituley, L. Alados Arboledas, D. Balis, A. Boselli, J. A. Bravo-Aranda, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comeron, J. Cuesta, F. De Tomasi, V. Freudenthaler, M. Gausa, E. Giannakaki, H. Giehl, A. Giunta, I. Grigorov, S. Groß, M. Haeffelin, A. Hiebsch, M. Iarlori, D. Lange, H. Linné, F. Madonna, I. Mattis, R.-E. Mamouri, M. A. P. McAuliffe, V. Mitev, F. Molero, F. Navas-Guzman, D. Nicolae, A. Papayannis, M. R. Perrone, C. Pietras, A. Pietruczuk, G. Pisani, J. Preißler, M. Pujadas, V. Rizi, A. A. Ruth, J. Schmidt, F. Schnell, P. Seifert, I. Serikov, M. Sicard, V. Simeonov, N. Spinelli, K. Stebel, M. Tesche, T. Trickl, X. Wang, F. Wagner, M. Wiegner, and K. M. Wilson
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4429–4450,,, 2013
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David Patrick Donovan, Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff, and Ping Wang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5301–5340,,, 2024
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ATLID (atmospheric lidar) is the lidar to be flown on the Earth Clouds and Radiation Explorer satellite (EarthCARE). EarthCARE is a joint European–Japanese satellite mission that was launched in May 2024. ATLID is an advanced lidar optimized for cloud and aerosol property profile measurements. This paper describes some of the key novel algorithms being applied to this lidar to retrieve cloud and aerosol properties. Example results based on simulated data are presented and discussed.
Evgueni Kassianov, Connor J. Flynn, James C. Barnard, Brian D. Ermold, and Jennifer M. Comstock
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 4997–5013,,, 2024
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Conventional ground-based radiometers commonly measure solar radiation at a few wavelengths within a narrow spectral range. These limitations prevent improved retrievals of aerosol, cloud, and surface characteristics. To address these limitations, an advanced ground-based radiometer with expanded spectral coverage and hyperspectral capability is introduced. Its good performance is demonstrated using reference data collected over three coastal regions with diverse types of aerosols and clouds.
Noah Sienkiewicz, J. Vanderlei Martins, Brent A. McBride, Xiaoguang Xu, Anin Puthukkudy, Rachel Smith, and Roberto Fernandez-Borda
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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HARP2 is a satellite remote sensing camera which launched on the NASA PACE mission in early 2024. HARP2 uses image data of the Earth to allow scientists to measure natural processes. There exists interest in accurate polarimeter measurements of clouds and aerosols to understand climate change. In 2022, HARP2 underwear lab calibration evaluating its wide field-of-view characteristics. In doing so it was shown that key HARP2 calibration parameters possessed significant field-of-view variability.
Maria Fernanda Sanchez Barrero, Ioana Elisabeta Popovici, Philippe Goloub, Stephane Victori, Qiaoyun Hu, Benjamin Torres, Thierry Podvin, Luc Blarel, Gaël Dubois, Fabrice Ducos, Eric Bourrianne, Aliaksandr Lapionak, Lelia Proniewski, Brent Holben, David Matthew Giles, and Anthony LaRosa
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 3121–3146,,, 2024
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This study showcases the use of a compact elastic lidar to monitor aerosols aboard moving platforms. By coupling dual-wavelength and depolarization measurements with photometer data, we studied aerosols during events of Saharan dust and smoke transport. Our research, conducted in various scenarios, not only validated our methods but also offered insights into the atmospheric dynamics near active fires. This study aids future research to fill observational gaps in aerosol monitoring.
Nicole Docter, Anja Hünerbein, David P. Donovan, Rene Preusker, Jürgen Fischer, Jan Fokke Meirink, Piet Stammes, and Michael Eisinger
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 2507–2519,,, 2024
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MSI is the imaging spectrometer on board EarthCARE and will provide across-track information on clouds and aerosol properties. The MSI solar channels exhibit a spectral misalignment effect (SMILE) in the measurements. This paper describes and evaluates how the SMILE will affect the cloud and aerosol retrievals that do not account for it.
Antonio Fernando Almansa, África Barreto, Natalia Kouremeti, Ramiro González, Akriti Masoom, Carlos Toledano, Julian Gröbner, Rosa Delia García, Yenny González, Stelios Kazadzis, Stéphane Victori, Óscar Álvarez, Fabrice Maupin, Virgilio Carreño, Victoria Eugenia Cachorro, and Emilio Cuevas
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 659–675,,, 2024
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This paper applies sun photometer synergies to improve calibration transference between different sun photometers and also enhance their quality assurance and quality control. We have validated this technique using different instrumentation, the WMO-GAW and NASA-AERONET references, under different aerosol regimes using the standard Langley calibration method as a reference.
Liviu Ivănescu and Norman T. O'Neill
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 6111–6121,,, 2023
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The starphotometers' complex infrastructure prohibits calibration campaigns. On-site calibration procedures appear as the only practical solution. A multi-star approach overcomes site-specific sky transparency stability problems. Star selection strategies were proposed for mitigating some sources of errors. Data processing strategies and instrument design improvements appear necessary.
Nofel Lagrosas, Kosuke Okubo, Hitoshi Irie, Yutaka Matsumi, Tomoki Nakayama, Yutaka Sugita, Takashi Okada, and Tatsuo Shiina
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 5937–5951,,, 2023
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This work examines the near-ground aerosol–weather relationship from 7-month continuous lidar and weather observations in Chiba, Japan. Optical parameters from lidar data are compared with weather parameters to understand and quantify the aerosol–weather relationship and how these optical parameters are affected by the weather and season. The results provide insights into analyzing optical properties of radioactive aerosols when the lidar system is continuously operated in a radioactive area.
Igor Veselovskii, Nikita Kasianik, Mikhail Korenskii, Qiaoyun Hu, Philippe Goloub, Thierry Podvin, and Dong Liu
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 2055–2065,,, 2023
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A five-channel fluorescence lidar was developed for the study of atmospheric aerosol. The fluorescence spectrum induced by 355 nm laser emission is analyzed in five spectral intervals, namely 438 and 29, 472 and 32, 513 and 29, 560 and 40, and 614 and 54 nm. This lidar system was operated during strong forest fires. Our results demonstrate that, for urban aerosol, the maximal fluorescence backscattering is observed at 472 nm, while for smoke, the spectrum is shifted toward longer wavelengths.
Emily D. Lenhardt, Lan Gao, Jens Redemann, Feng Xu, Sharon P. Burton, Brian Cairns, Ian Chang, Richard A. Ferrare, Chris A. Hostetler, Pablo E. Saide, Calvin Howes, Yohei Shinozuka, Snorre Stamnes, Mary Kacarab, Amie Dobracki, Jenny Wong, Steffen Freitag, and Athanasios Nenes
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 2037–2054,,, 2023
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Small atmospheric particles, such as smoke from wildfires or pollutants from human activities, impact cloud properties, and clouds have a strong influence on climate. To better understand the distributions of these particles, we develop relationships to derive their concentrations from remote sensing measurements from an instrument called a lidar. Our method is reliable for smoke particles, and similar steps can be taken to develop relationships for other particle types.
Nick Gorkavyi, Nickolay Krotkov, and Alexander Marshak
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1527–1537,,, 2023
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The article discusses topical issues of the visible (libration) motion of the Earth in the sky of the Moon in a rectangle measuring 13.4° × 15.8°. On the one hand, the librations of the Moon make these observations difficult. On the other hand, they can be used as a natural scanning mechanism for cameras and spectroscopes mounted on a fixed platform on the surface of the Moon.
Norman T. O'Neill, Keyvan Ranjbar, Liviu Ivănescu, Thomas F. Eck, Jeffrey S. Reid, David M. Giles, Daniel Pérez-Ramírez, and Jai Prakash Chaubey
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1103–1120,,, 2023
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Aerosols are atmospheric particles that vary in size (radius) from a fraction of a micrometer (µm) to around 20 µm. They tend to be either smaller than 1 µm (like smoke or pollution) or larger than 1 µm (like dust or sea salt). Their optical effect (scattering and absorbing sunlight) can be divided into FM (fine-mode) and CM (coarse-mode) parts using a cutoff radius around 1 µm or a spectral (color) technique. We present and validate a theoretical link between the types of FM and CM divisions.
Nakul N. Karle, Ricardo K. Sakai, Rosa M. Fitzgerald, Charles Ichoku, Fernando Mercado, and William R. Stockwell
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1073–1085,,, 2023
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Extensive virga research is uncommon, even though it is a common phenomenon. A systematic method was developed to characterize virga using available datasets. In total, 50 virga events were observed, appearing only during a specific time of the year, revealing a seasonal pattern. These virga events were identified and classified, and their impact on surface PM measurements was investigated. A more detailed examination of the selected events reveals that virga impacts regional air quality.
Jens Reichardt, Oliver Behrendt, and Felix Lauermann
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1–13,,, 2023
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The UVA spectrometer is the latest instrumental addition to the spectrometric fluorescence and Raman lidar RAMSES. The redesigned receiver and the data analysis of the fluorescence measurement are described. Furthermore, the effect of aerosol fluorescence on humidity measurements is studied. It turns out that Raman lidars equipped with a spectrometer show superior performance over those with one discrete fluorescence detection channel only. The cause is variability in the fluorescence spectrum.
Jie Luo, Zhengqiang Li, Cheng Fan, Hua Xu, Ying Zhang, Weizhen Hou, Lili Qie, Haoran Gu, Mengyao Zhu, Yinna Li, and Kaitao Li
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 2767–2789,,, 2022
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A single model is difficult to represent various shapes of dust. We proposed a tunable model to represent dust with various shapes. Two tunable parameters were used to represent the effects of the erosion degree and binding forces from the mass center. Thus, the model can represent various dust shapes by adjusting the tunable parameters. Besides, the applicability of the spheroid model in calculating the optical properties and polarimetric characteristics is evaluated.
Peristera Paschou, Nikolaos Siomos, Alexandra Tsekeri, Alexandros Louridas, George Georgoussis, Volker Freudenthaler, Ioannis Binietoglou, George Tsaknakis, Alexandros Tavernarakis, Christos Evangelatos, Jonas von Bismarck, Thomas Kanitz, Charikleia Meleti, Eleni Marinou, and Vassilis Amiridis
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 2299–2323,,, 2022
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The eVe lidar delivers quality-assured aerosol and cloud optical properties according to the standards of ACTRIS. It is a mobile reference system for the validation of the ESA's Aeolus satellite mission (L2 aerosol and cloud products). eVe provides linear and circular polarisation measurements with Raman capabilities. Here, we describe the system design, the polarisation calibration techniques, and the software for the retrieval of the optical products.
Yu Zheng, Huizheng Che, Yupeng Wang, Xiangao Xia, Xiuqing Hu, Xiaochun Zhang, Jun Zhu, Jibiao Zhu, Hujia Zhao, Lei Li, Ke Gui, and Xiaoye Zhang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 2139–2158,,, 2022
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Ground-based observations of aerosols and aerosol data verification is important for satellite and climate model modification. Here we present an evaluation of aerosol microphysical, optical and radiative properties measured using a multiwavelength photometer with a highly integrated design and smart control performance. The validation of this product is discussed in detail using AERONET as a reference. This work contributes to reducing AOD uncertainties in China and combating climate change.
Alexandra Tsekeri, Vassilis Amiridis, Alexandros Louridas, George Georgoussis, Volker Freudenthaler, Spiros Metallinos, George Doxastakis, Josef Gasteiger, Nikolaos Siomos, Peristera Paschou, Thanasis Georgiou, George Tsaknakis, Christos Evangelatos, and Ioannis Binietoglou
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 7453–7474,,, 2021
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Dust orientation in the Earth's atmosphere has been an ongoing investigation in recent years, and its potential proof will be a paradigm shift for dust remote sensing. We have designed and developed a polarization lidar that provides direct measurements of dust orientation, as well as more detailed information of the particle microphysics. We provide a description of its design as well as its first measurements.
Liviu Ivănescu, Konstantin Baibakov, Norman T. O'Neill, Jean-Pierre Blanchet, and Karl-Heinz Schulz
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 6561–6599,,, 2021
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Starphotometry seeks to provide accurate measures of nocturnal optical depth (OD). It is driven by a need to characterize aerosols and their radiative forcing effects during a very data-sparse period. A sub-0.01 OD error is required to adequately characterize key aerosol parameters. We found approaches for sufficiently mitigating errors to achieve the 0.01 standard. This renders starphotometry the equal of daytime techniques and opens the door to exploiting its distinct star-pointing advantages.
Antti Arola, William Wandji Nyamsi, Antti Lipponen, Stelios Kazadzis, Nickolay A. Krotkov, and Johanna Tamminen
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4947–4957,,, 2021
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Methods to estimate surface UV radiation from satellite measurements offer the only means to obtain global coverage, and the development of satellite-based UV algorithms has been ongoing since the early 1990s. One of the main challenges in this development has been how to account for the overall effect of absorption by atmospheric aerosols. One such method was suggested roughly a decade ago, and in this study we propose further improvements for this kind of approach.
Igor Veselovskii, Qiaoyun Hu, Philippe Goloub, Thierry Podvin, Marie Choël, Nicolas Visez, and Mikhail Korenskiy
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4773–4786,,, 2021
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The multiwavelength Mie–Raman–fluorescence lidar of the University of Lille was used to characterize aerosols during the pollen season in the north of France for the period March–June 2020. The results of observations demonstrate that the presence of pollen grains in aerosol mixtures leads to an increase in the depolarization ratio and to the enhancement of the fluorescence backscattering.
Lewis Grasso, Daniel Bikos, Jorel Torres, John F. Dostalek, Ting-Chi Wu, John Forsythe, Heather Q. Cronk, Curtis J. Seaman, Steven D. Miller, Emily Berndt, Harry G. Weinman, and Kennard B. Kasper
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 1615–1634,,, 2021
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This study uses geostationary imagery to detect dust. This research was done to demonstrate the ability of dust detection over ocean surfaces in a dry atmosphere.
Igor Veselovskii, Qiaoyun Hu, Philippe Goloub, Thierry Podvin, Mikhail Korenskiy, Olivier Pujol, Oleg Dubovik, and Anton Lopatin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6691–6701,,, 2020
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To study the feasibility of a fluorescence lidar for aerosol characterization, the fluorescence channel is added to the multiwavelength Mie-Raman lidar of Lille University. A part of the fluorescence spectrum is selected by the interference filter of 44 nm bandwidth centered at 466 nm. Such an approach has demonstrated high sensitivity, allowing fluorescence signals from weak aerosol layers to be detected. The technique can also be used for monitoring the aerosol inside the cloud layers.
Katta Vijayakumar, Panuganti C. S. Devara, Sunil M. Sonbawne, David M. Giles, Brent N. Holben, Sarangam Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, and Chalicheemalapalli K. Jayasankar
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 5569–5593,,, 2020
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The direct-Sun and inversion products of urban atmospheric aerosols, obtained from a Cimel Sun–sky radiometer in Pune, India, under the AERONET program since October 2004, have been reported in this paper. The mean seasonal variations in AOD from cloud-free days indicated greater values during the monsoon season, revealing dominance of hygroscopic aerosols over the station. Such results are sparse in India and are important for estimating aerosol radiative forcing and validating climate models.
Teruyuki Nakajima, Monica Campanelli, Huizheng Che, Victor Estellés, Hitoshi Irie, Sang-Woo Kim, Jhoon Kim, Dong Liu, Tomoaki Nishizawa, Govindan Pandithurai, Vijay Kumar Soni, Boossarasiri Thana, Nas-Urt Tugjsurn, Kazuma Aoki, Sujung Go, Makiko Hashimoto, Akiko Higurashi, Stelios Kazadzis, Pradeep Khatri, Natalia Kouremeti, Rei Kudo, Franco Marenco, Masahiro Momoi, Shantikumar S. Ningombam, Claire L. Ryder, Akihiro Uchiyama, and Akihiro Yamazaki
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 4195–4218,,, 2020
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This paper overviews the progress in sky radiometer technology and the development of the network called SKYNET. It is found that the technology has produced useful on-site calibration methods, retrieval algorithms, and data analyses from sky radiometer observations of aerosol, cloud, water vapor, and ozone. The paper also discusses current issues of SKYNET to provide better information for the community.
Grigorii P. Kokhanenko, Yurii S. Balin, Marina G. Klemasheva, Sergei V. Nasonov, Mikhail M. Novoselov, Iogannes E. Penner, and Svetlana V. Samoilova
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 1113–1127,,, 2020
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Cirrus clouds consist of crystals (plates, needles) that can orient themselves in space as a result of free fall. This leads to the appearance of various types of optical halo and to specular reflection of solar radiation. The presence of such particles significantly affects the passage of thermal radiation through the mid- and high-level ice clouds. Using the properties of polarization, a scanning lidar makes it possible to identify cloud areas with oriented crystals.
Hans Grob, Claudia Emde, Matthias Wiegner, Meinhard Seefeldner, Linda Forster, and Bernhard Mayer
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 239–258,,, 2020
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Polarimetry has been established as an enhancement to classical photometry in aerosol remote sensing over the past years. We propose a fast and exact radiometric and polarimetric calibration method for polarized photometers. Additionally, a technique for correcting an alt-azimuthal mount is introduced.
These methods are applied to measurements obtained with our SSARA instrument during the A-LIFE field campaign. For 2 d, the data are subjected to an inversion of aerosol optical properties.
Akihiro Uchiyama, Masataka Shiobara, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Akihiro Yamazaki, Kazunori Inei, Kazuhiro Kawai, and Yoshiaki Watanabe
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 6465–6488,,, 2019
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The majority of aerosol data are obtained from daytime measurements using the Sun as a light source, and there are few datasets available for studying nighttime aerosol characteristics. To estimate the aerosol optical depth (AOD) during the nighttime using the moon as a light source, a radiometer for the daytime was modified, and a new calibration method was developed. As a result, the estimations of the nighttime AOD were made with the same degree of precision and accuracy during the daytime.
Chong Wang, Mingjiao Jia, Haiyun Xia, Yunbin Wu, Tianwen Wei, Xiang Shang, Chengyun Yang, Xianghui Xue, and Xiankang Dou
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 3303–3315,,, 2019
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To investigate the relationship between BLH and air pollution under different conditions, a compact micro-pulse lidar integrating both direct-detection lidar and coherent Doppler wind lidar is built. Evolution of atmospheric boundary layer height (BLH), aerosol layer and fine structure in cloud base are well retrieved. Negative correlation exists between BLH and PM2.5. Different trends show that the relationship between PM2.5 and BLH should be considered in different boundary layer categories.
Maxence Descheemaecker, Matthieu Plu, Virginie Marécal, Marine Claeyman, Francis Olivier, Youva Aoun, Philippe Blanc, Lucien Wald, Jonathan Guth, Bojan Sič, Jérôme Vidot, Andrea Piacentini, and Béatrice Josse
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 1251–1275,,, 2019
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The future Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) on board MeteoSat Third Generation is expected to improve the detection and the quantification of aerosols. The study assesses the potential of FCI/VIS04 channel for monitoring air pollution in Europe. An observing system simulation experiment in MOCAGE is developed, and they show a large positive impact of the assimilation over a 4-month period and particularly during a severe pollution episode. The added value of geostationary data is also assessed.
Charles J. Vernon, Ryan Bolt, Timothy Canty, and Ralph A. Kahn
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 6289–6307,,, 2018
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The height that aerosols are injected into the atmosphere can significantly impact the dispersion of aerosol plumes. We use direct observations from the MISR instrument to determine aerosol injection height and constrain the HYSPLIT Dispersion model with these data. We have shown that the nominal plume-rise calculation within HYSPLIT tends to underestimate injection heights of wildfires and that simulations constrained with MISR injection height can show better agreement with MODIS observations.
Akihiro Uchiyama, Tsuneo Matsunaga, and Akihiro Yamazaki
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5363–5388,,, 2018
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Atmospheric aerosols are an important constituent of the atmosphere. Measurement networks using radiometers such as SKYNET have been developed. There are two constants that we must determine to make accurate measurements. One of them is the calibration constant. The accuracy of the current method to determine this was investigated and the new method for water vapor and near-infrared channels was developed. Utilizing the results of this paper, SKYNET measurement data will become more reliable.
Akihiro Uchiyama, Tsuneo Matsunaga, and Akihiro Yamazaki
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5389–5402,,, 2018
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Atmospheric aerosols are an important constituent of the atmosphere. Measurement networks using radiometers such as SKYNET have been developed. There are two constants that we must determine. One of them is the solid view angle (SVA) of the radiometer. The problems related to SVA were investigated. It was shown that the conventional method can cause a systematic underestimation, and an improved method was proposed. Utilizing the results of this paper, SKYNET data will become more reliable.
Ioana Elisabeta Popovici, Philippe Goloub, Thierry Podvin, Luc Blarel, Rodrigue Loisil, Florin Unga, Augustin Mortier, Christine Deroo, Stéphane Victori, Fabrice Ducos, Benjamin Torres, Cyril Delegove, Marie Choël, Nathalie Pujol-Söhne, and Christophe Pietras
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 4671–4691,,, 2018
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This paper aims to show the potential of an instrumented mobile platform, performing on-road remote sensing and in situ measurements, to derive aerosol properties. It is distinguished from other transportable platforms through its ability to perform measurements during movement. Its reduced size, versatility and great flexibility makes it suitable for following sudden aerosol events and for validating satellite measurements and model simulations.
Kirk Knobelspiesse and Sreeja Nag
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 3935–3954,,, 2018
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We test if small satellites flying in formation can be used for multi-angle aerosol remote sensing. So far, this has only been done with multiple views on one satellite. Single-view angle satellites flying in formation are a technically feasible alternative, although with different geometries. Using Bayesian information content analysis, we find such satellites equally capable. For aerosol remote sensing, the number of viewing angles is the most important.
Landon A. Rieger, Elizaveta P. Malinina, Alexei V. Rozanov, John P. Burrows, Adam E. Bourassa, and Doug A. Degenstein
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 3433–3445,,, 2018
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This paper compares aerosol extinction records from two limb scattering instruments, OSIRIS and SCIAMACHY, to that from the occultation instrument SAGE II. Differences are investigated through modelling and retrieval studies and important sources of systematic errors are quantified. It is found that the largest biases come from uncertainties in the aerosol size distribution and the aerosol particle concentration at altitudes above 30 km.
Evgenia Galytska, Vassyl Danylevsky, René Hommel, and John P. Burrows
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 2101–2118,,, 2018
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This research assesses the influence of biomass burning during forest fires throughout summer 2010 on aerosol load over Ukraine, the European territory of Russia (ETR) and Eastern Europe. We apply and compare ground-based and satellite measurements to determine aerosol content, dynamics, and properties. With the application of modeling techniques (HYSPLIT), we show that the maximum AOD in August 2010 over Ukraine was caused by particle transport from the forest fires in the ETR.
Livio Belegante, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Volker Freudenthaler, Doina Nicolae, Anca Nemuc, Dragos Ene, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Aldo Amodeo, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Giuseppe D'Amico, Francesco Amato, Ronny Engelmann, Holger Baars, Ulla Wandinger, Alexandros Papayannis, Panos Kokkalis, and Sérgio N. Pereira
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1119–1141,,, 2018
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This paper presents different depolarization calibration procedures used to improve the quality of the depolarization data. The results illustrate a significant improvement of the depolarization lidar products for all the selected EARLINET lidar instruments. The calibrated volume and particle depolarization profiles at 532 nm show values that fall within a range that is accepted in the literature. The depolarization accuracy estimate at 532 nm is better than ±0.03 for all cases.
Igor V. Geogdzhayev and Alexander Marshak
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 359–368,,, 2018
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The unique Earth view of the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) orbiting at the point of equal attraction from the Earth and the Sun can significantly augment the low-orbit remote sensing of aerosols, clouds and gases. We derive the relationship between the digital counts and the reflected sunlight intensity for some EPIC channels using collocated Earth views from EPIC and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and EPIC moon views.
Panagiotis Kokkalis
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 3103–3115,,, 2017
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The mathematical formulation for the optical setup of a typical EARLINET lidar system is given here. The equations describing a lidar system from the emitted laser beam to the projection of the telescope aperture on the final receiving unit (i.e., photomultiplier or photodiode) are presented, based on paraxial approximation and a geometric optics approach. The evaluation of the formulation is performed with ray-tracing simulations on a real system.
Andrew M. Sayer, N. Christina Hsu, Corey Bettenhausen, Robert E. Holz, Jaehwa Lee, Greg Quinn, and Paolo Veglio
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 1425–1444,,, 2017
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The satellite instrument VIIRS is being used to carry on observations of the Earth made by older satellites like MODIS. Data sets created from these satellite observations depend on the quality of the satellite instruments' calibration. This paper describes a comparison between the calibration of these two sensors. MODIS is believed to be more reliable and so VIIRS is corrected to bring it in line with MODIS. These corrections are shown to improve the quality of VIIRS aerosol data.
Thomas Carlund, Natalia Kouremeti, Stelios Kazadzis, and Julian Gröbner
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 905–923,,, 2017
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Aerosols play an important role in atmospheric processes. Aerosol optical depth is the most common measure of columnar aerosol load. We present a sunphotometer called UVPFR that is able to measure aerosol optical depth in the ultraviolet range, including the calibration, characterization and validation of the instrument/measurements. The instrument will serve as a reference on the intercalibration of Brewer spectrophotometers that are also able to measure aerosol optical depth in the UV region.
A. Fernando Almansa, Emilio Cuevas, Benjamín Torres, África Barreto, Rosa D. García, Victoria E. Cachorro, Ángel M. de Frutos, César López, and Ramón Ramos
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 565–579,,, 2017
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This study presents a new zenith-looking narrow-band radiometer-based system (ZEN), conceived for dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) monitoring. The ZEN system comprises a robust and automated radiometer (ZEN-R41), and a lookup table methodology for AOD retrieval (ZEN-LUT). Our results suggest that ZEN is a suitable system to fill the current observational gaps and to complement observations performed by sun-photometer networks in order to improve mineral dust monitoring in remote locations.
Stelios Kazadzis, Panagiotis Raptis, Natalia Kouremeti, Vassilis Amiridis, Antti Arola, Evangelos Gerasopoulos, and Gregory L. Schuster
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5997–6011,,, 2016
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Aerosols play an important role in the Earth's climate. One of the main aerosol properties is the single scattering albedo which is a measure of the aerosol absorption. In this work we have presented a method to retrieve this aerosol property in the ultraviolet and we presented the results for measurements at the urban environment of Athens, Greece. We show that the spectral dependence of the aerosol absorption in the VIS–IR and the UV range depends on the aerosol composition and type.
Moritz Haarig, Ronny Engelmann, Albert Ansmann, Igor Veselovskii, David N. Whiteman, and Dietrich Althausen
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4269–4278,,, 2016
Volker Freudenthaler
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4181–4255,,, 2016
Simone Kotthaus, Ewan O'Connor, Christoph Münkel, Cristina Charlton-Perez, Martial Haeffelin, Andrew M. Gabey, and C. Sue B. Grimmond
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3769–3791,,, 2016
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Ceilometers lidars are useful to study clouds, aerosol layers and atmospheric boundary layer structures. As sensor optics and acquisition algorithms can strongly influence the observations, sensor specifics need to be incorporated into the physical interpretation. Here, recommendations are made for the operation and processing of profile observations from the widely deployed Vaisala CL31 ceilometer. Proposed corrections are shown to increase data quality and even data availability at times.
Maxime Hervo, Yann Poltera, and Alexander Haefele
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2947–2959,,, 2016
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Imperfections in a lidar's overlap function lead to artefacts in the lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) signals. These artefacts can erroneously be interpreted as an aerosol gradient or, in extreme cases, as a cloud base leading to false cloud detection. In this study an algorithm is presented to correct such artefacts.
The algorithm is completely automatic and does not require any intervention on site. It is therefore suited for use in large automatic lidar networks.
Aaron R. Naeger, Pawan Gupta, Bradley T. Zavodsky, and Kevin M. McGrath
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2463–2482,,, 2016
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In this study, we merge aerosol information from multiple satellite sensors on board low-earth orbiting (LEO) and geostationary (GEO) platforms in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the spatial distribution of aerosols compared to when only using single sensors as is commonly done. Our results show that merging aerosol information from LEO and GEO platforms can be very useful, which paves the way for applications to the more advanced next-generation of satellites.
Ronny Engelmann, Thomas Kanitz, Holger Baars, Birgit Heese, Dietrich Althausen, Annett Skupin, Ulla Wandinger, Mika Komppula, Iwona S. Stachlewska, Vassilis Amiridis, Eleni Marinou, Ina Mattis, Holger Linné, and Albert Ansmann
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1767–1784,,, 2016
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The atmospheric science community demands for autonomous and quality-assured vertically resolved measurements of aerosol and cloud properties. For this purpose, a portable lidar called Polly
was developed at TROPOS in 2003. This lidar type was continuously improved with gained experience from EARLINET, worldwide field campaigns, and institute collaborations within the last 10 years. We present recent changes to the setup of our portable multiwavelength Raman and polarization lidar PollyXT.
Cited articles
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Short summary
This work is the first time that three different commercial ceilometers with an advanced Raman lidar are compared over a period of 6 months. The comparison of the attenuated backscatter profiles from a multi-wavelength Raman lidar and three ceilometers (CHM15k, CS135s, CT25K) reveals differences due to the expected discrepancy in the SNR, but also due to effect of changes in the ambient temperature on the stability of ceilometer calibration over short and mid-term.
This work is the first time that three different commercial ceilometers with an advanced Raman...
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