Articles | Volume 9, issue 12
Research article
05 Dec 2016
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2016

Adapted ECC ozonesonde for long-duration flights aboard boundary-layer pressurised balloons

François Gheusi, Pierre Durand, Nicolas Verdier, François Dulac, Jean-Luc Attié, Philippe Commun, Brice Barret, Claude Basdevant, Antoine Clenet, Solène Derrien, Alexis Doerenbecher, Laaziz El Amraoui, Alain Fontaine, Emeric Hache, Corinne Jambert, Elodie Jaumouillé, Yves Meyerfeld, Laurent Roblou, and Flore Tocquer

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Boundary-layer pressurised balloons allow for horizontal multi-day flights in the lower atmosphere, carrying light scientific payloads. Ozonesondes, usually used for balloon soundings have too short a lifetime for such flights. An adaptation is proposed, whereby conventional sondes are operated with short measurement phases alternating with longer periods of dormancy. The sondes were operated over the western Mediterranean, offering an original perspective on tropospheric ozone.