Articles | Volume 9, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2016
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2016

Global distributions of CO2 volume mixing ratio in the middle and upper atmosphere from daytime MIPAS high-resolution spectra

Á. Aythami Jurado-Navarro, Manuel López-Puertas, Bernd Funke, Maya García-Comas, Angela Gardini, Francisco González-Galindo, Gabriele P. Stiller, Thomas von Clarmann, Udo Grabowski, and Andrea Linden

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11019–11041,,, 2016
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Cited articles

Beagley, S. R., Boone, C. D., Fomichev, V. I., Jin, J. J., Semeniuk, K., McConnell, J. C., and Bernath, P. F.: First multi-year occultation observations of CO2 in the MLT by ACE satellite: observations and analysis using the extended CMAM, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1133–1153,, 2010.
Bermejo-Pantaleón, D., Funke, B., Lopez-Puertas, M., García-Comas, M., Stiller, G. P., von Clarmann, T., Linden, A., Grabowski, U., Höpfner, M., Kiefer, M., Glatthor, N., Kellmann, S., and Lu, G.: Global Observations of Thermospheric Temperature and Nitric Oxide from MIPAS spectra at 5.3 µm, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A10313,, 2011.
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Feofilov, A. G., Kutepov, A. A., She, C.-Y., Smith, A. K., Pesnell, W. D., and Goldberg, R. A.: CO2(v2)-O quenching rate coefficient derived from coincidental SABER/TIMED and Fort Collins lidar observations of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 9013–9023,, 2012.
Short summary
We present global distributions of CO2 concentrations in the upper atmosphere (70–140 km) derived from high-resolution 4.3 µm MIPAS spectra from 2005 to 2012. CO2 relative abundances have been measured at 120–140 km for the first time. The data have an unprecedented accuracy. CO2 shows a strong seasonal behaviour. CO2 largely controls the temperature of the upper atmosphere and its measurement is very important for understanding the impact of climate change in this region.