Articles | Volume 11, issue 10
Research article
24 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 24 Oct 2018

A 12-year long global record of optical depth of absorbing aerosols above the clouds derived from the OMI/OMACA algorithm

Hiren Jethva, Omar Torres, and Changwoo Ahn

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Cited articles

Ahn, C., Torres, O. and Jethva, H.: Assessment of OMI near-UV aerosol optical depth over land, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 119, 2457–2473,, 2014. 
Alfaro-Contreras, R., Zhang, J., Campbell, J. R., and Reid, J. S.: Investigating the frequency and interannual variability in global above-cloud aerosol characteristics with CALIOP and OMI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 47–69,, 2016. 
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Chand, D., Wood, R., Anderson, T. L., Satheesh, S. K., and Charlson, R. J.: Satellite-derived direct radiative effect of aerosols dependent on cloud cover, Nat. Geosci., 2, 181–184,, 2009. 
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Short summary
We introduce a new global satellite product of aerosol amounts lofted above the clouds from near-UV observations of Aura/OMI. The global decadal record derived from the product has revealed unprecedented quantitative information of light-absorbing aerosols above the cloud over several oceanic and continental regions of the world. The new dataset characterizing the optical properties of aerosol-cloud overlap will help quantify their radiative effects and representation in climate models.