Articles | Volume 11, issue 11
Research article
12 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 12 Nov 2018

The CALIPSO version 4 automated aerosol classification and lidar ratio selection algorithm

Man-Hae Kim, Ali H. Omar, Jason L. Tackett, Mark A. Vaughan, David M. Winker, Charles R. Trepte, Yongxiang Hu, Zhaoyan Liu, Lamont R. Poole, Michael C. Pitts, Jayanta Kar, and Brian E. Magill

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Avery, M., Ryan, R., Getzewich, B., Vaughan, M., Winker, D., Hu, Y., and Trepte, C.: Impact of Near-Nadir Viewing Angles on CALIOP V4.1 Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Assignments, in preparation, 2018. 
Short summary
This paper discusses recent advances made in distinguishing among different aerosols species detected in the CALIPSO lidar measurements. A new classification algorithm now classifies four different aerosol types in the stratosphere, and the number of aerosol types recognized in the troposphere has increased from six to seven. The lidar ratios characterizing each type have been updated and the effects of these changes on CALIPSO retrievals of aerosol optical depth are examined in detail.