Articles | Volume 14, issue 8
Research article
27 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 27 Aug 2021

Improvement of Odin/SMR water vapour and temperature measurements and validation of the obtained data sets

Francesco Grieco, Kristell Pérot, Donal Murtagh, Patrick Eriksson, Bengt Rydberg, Michael Kiefer, Maya Garcia-Comas, Alyn Lambert, and Kaley A. Walker

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Cited articles

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Christensen, O. M., Benze, S., Eriksson, P., Gumbel, J., Megner, L., and Murtagh, D. P.: The relationship between polar mesospheric clouds and their background atmosphere as observed by Odin-SMR and Odin-OSIRIS, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 12587–12600,, 2016. a
Short summary
We present improved Odin/SMR mesospheric H2O concentration and temperature data sets, reprocessed assuming a bigger sideband leakage of the instrument. The validation study shows how the improved SMR data sets agree better with other instruments' observations than the old SMR version did. Given their unique time extension and geographical coverage, and H2O being a good tracer of mesospheric circulation, the new data sets are valuable for the study of dynamical processes and multi-year trends.