Articles | Volume 7, issue 7
Research article
10 Jul 2014
Research article |  | 10 Jul 2014

Application of a GC-ECD for measurements of biosphere–atmosphere exchange fluxes of peroxyacetyl nitrate using the relaxed eddy accumulation and gradient method

A. Moravek, T. Foken, and I. Trebs

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The role of coarse aerosol particles as a sink of HNO3 in wintertime pollution events in the Salt Lake Valley
Amy Hrdina, Jennifer G. Murphy, Anna Gannet Hallar, John C. Lin, Alexander Moravek, Ryan Bares, Ross C. Petersen, Alessandro Franchin, Ann M. Middlebrook, Lexie Goldberger, Ben H. Lee, Munkh Baasandorj, and Steven S. Brown
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 8111–8126,,, 2021
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Wintertime spatial distribution of ammonia and its emission sources in the Great Salt Lake region
Alexander Moravek, Jennifer G. Murphy, Amy Hrdina, John C. Lin, Christopher Pennell, Alessandro Franchin, Ann M. Middlebrook, Dorothy L. Fibiger, Caroline C. Womack, Erin E. McDuffie, Randal Martin, Kori Moore, Munkhbayar Baasandorj, and Steven S. Brown
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 15691–15709,,, 2019
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Measurements and quality control of ammonia eddy covariance fluxes: a new strategy for high-frequency attenuation correction
Alexander Moravek, Saumya Singh, Elizabeth Pattey, Luc Pelletier, and Jennifer G. Murphy
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 6059–6078,,, 2019
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On the contribution of nocturnal heterogeneous reactive nitrogen chemistry to particulate matter formation during wintertime pollution events in Northern Utah
Erin E. McDuffie, Caroline C. Womack, Dorothy L. Fibiger, William P. Dube, Alessandro Franchin, Ann M. Middlebrook, Lexie Goldberger, Ben H. Lee, Joel A. Thornton, Alexander Moravek, Jennifer G. Murphy, Munkhbayar Baasandorj, and Steven S. Brown
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 9287–9308,,, 2019
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Arctic marine secondary organic aerosol contributes significantly to summertime particle size distributions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Betty Croft, Randall V. Martin, W. Richard Leaitch, Julia Burkart, Rachel Y.-W. Chang, Douglas B. Collins, Patrick L. Hayes, Anna L. Hodshire, Lin Huang, John K. Kodros, Alexander Moravek, Emma L. Mungall, Jennifer G. Murphy, Sangeeta Sharma, Samantha Tremblay, Gregory R. Wentworth, Megan D. Willis, Jonathan P. D. Abbatt, and Jeffrey R. Pierce
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 2787–2812,,, 2019
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Related subject area

Subject: Gases | Technique: In Situ Measurement | Topic: Instruments and Platforms
Deployment and evaluation of an NH4+∕ H3O+ reagent ion switching chemical ionization mass spectrometer for the detection of reduced and oxygenated gas-phase organic compounds
Cort L. Zang and Megan D. Willis
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18, 17–35,,, 2025
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An economical tunable diode laser spectrometer for fast-response measurements of water vapor in the atmospheric boundary layer
Emily D. Wein, Lars E. Kalnajs, and Darin W. Toohey
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 7097–7107,,, 2024
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Eddy covariance with slow-response greenhouse gas analysers on tall towers: bridging atmospheric and ecosystem greenhouse gas networks
Pedro Henrique Herig Coimbra, Benjamin Loubet, Olivier Laurent, Laura Bignotti, Mathis Lozano, and Michel Ramonet
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 6625–6645,,, 2024
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An overview of outdoor low-cost gas-phase air quality sensor deployments: current efforts, trends, and limitations
Kristen Okorn and Laura T. Iraci
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 6425–6457,,, 2024
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Multiphysical description of atmospheric pressure interface chemical ionisation in MION2 and Eisele type inlets
Henning Finkenzeller, Jyri Mikkilä, Cecilia Righi, Paxton Juuti, Mikko Sipilä, Matti Rissanen, Douglas Worsnop, Aleksei Shcherbinin, Nina Sarnela, and Juha Kangasluoma
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5989–6001,,, 2024
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Cited articles

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