Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Research article
14 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2020

Evaluation of equivalent black carbon source apportionment using observations from Switzerland between 2008 and 2018

Stuart K. Grange, Hanspeter Lötscher, Andrea Fischer, Lukas Emmenegger, and Christoph Hueglin

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Cellulose in atmospheric particulate matter at rural and urban sites across France and Switzerland
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Black carbon (BC) is an important atmospheric pollutant and can be monitored by instruments called aethalometers. A pragmatic data processing technique called the aethalometer model can be used to apportion aethalometer observations into traffic and woodburning components. We present an exploratory data analysis evaluating the aethalometer model and use the outputs for BC trend analysis across Switzerland. The aethalometer model's robustness and utility for such analyses is discussed.