Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
05 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2022

Formaldehyde and glyoxal measurement deploying a selected ion flow tube mass spectrometer (SIFT-MS)

Antonia G. Zogka, Manolis N. Romanias, and Frederic Thevenet

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We emphasize the application of SIFT-MS to detect two important atmospheric pollutants, i.e., formaldehyde (FM) and glyoxal (GL). FM and GL are secondary products formed by volatile organic compound oxidation in indoor and outdoor environments and play a key role in air quality and climate. We show that SIFT-MS is able to monitor these species selectively and in real time, overcoming the limitations of other, classical analytical techniques used to monitor these species in the atmosphere.