Articles | Volume 17, issue 14
Research article
25 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 25 Jul 2024

A versatile water vapor generation module for vapor isotope calibration and liquid isotope measurements

Hans Christian Steen-Larsen and Daniele Zannoni

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Cited articles

Aemisegger, F., Sturm, P., Graf, P., Sodemann, H., Pfahl, S., Knohl, A., and Wernli, H.: Measuring variations of δ18O and δ2H in atmospheric water vapour using two commercial laser-based spectrometers: an instrument characterisation study, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 1491–1511,, 2012. 
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Bastrikov, V., Steen-Larsen, H. C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Gribanov, K., Cattani, O., Jouzel, J., and Zakharov, V.: Continuous measurements of atmospheric water vapour isotopes in western Siberia (Kourovka), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1763–1776,, 2014. 
Short summary
The water vapor generation module is completely scalable, allowing autonomous calibrations to use N standards and providing integration times only restricted by sample availability. We document improved reproducibility in 17O-excess liquid measurements. This module makes spectroscopy measurements comparable to mass spectrometry. We document that the vapor generation module can be used to analyze instrument performance and for vapor isotope calibration during field campaign measurements.