Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Research article
20 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 20 Sep 2024

Exploring non-soluble particles in hailstones through innovative confocal laser and scanning electron microscopy techniques

Anthony C. Bernal Ayala, Angela K. Rowe, Lucia E. Arena, William O. Nachlas, and Maria L. Asar

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Cited articles

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Arena, L. E.: Separación de partículas incluidas en hielos naturales por sublimación adaptada (Separation of particles included in natural ice by adapted sublimation), Annals of AFA, 35, 25–27, 2024 (in Spanish with English abstract). a, b
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Short summary
Hail is a challenging weather phenomenon to forecast due to an incomplete understanding of hailstone formation. Microscopy temperature limitations required previous studies to melt hail for analysis. This paper introduces a unique technique using a plastic cover to preserve particles in their location within the hailstone without melting. Therefore, CLSM and SEM–EDS microscopes can be used to determine individual particle sizes and their chemical composition related to hail-formation processes.