Articles | Volume 9, issue 7
Research article
07 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 07 Jul 2016

Measurement of OH reactivity by laser flash photolysis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy

Daniel Stone, Lisa K. Whalley, Trevor Ingham, Peter M. Edwards, Danny R. Cryer, Charlotte A. Brumby, Paul W. Seakins, and Dwayne E. Heard

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Cited articles

Amedro, D., Miyazaki, K., Parker, A., Schoemaceker, C., and Fittschen, C.: Atmospheric and kinetic studies of OH and HO2 by the FAGE technique, J. Environ. Sci., 24, 78–86, 2012.
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Bloss, W. J., Gravestock, T. J., Heard, D. E., Ingham, T., Johnson, G. P., and Lee, J. D.: Application of a compact all solid-state laser system to the in situ detection of atmospheric OH, HO2, NO and IO by laser-induced fluorescence, J. Environ. Monit., 5, 21–28, 2003.
Bossolasco, A., Farago, E. P., Schoemaecker, C., and Fittschen, C.: Rate constant of the reaction between CH3O2 and OH radicals, Chem. Phys. Lett., 593, 7–13, 2014.
Short summary
OH reactivity is the total pseudo-first-order loss rate coefficient describing the removal of OH radicals to all sinks in the atmosphere. Measurements of ambient OH reactivity can be used to discover the extent to which measured OH sinks contribute to the total OH loss rate. In this work, we describe the design and characterisation of an instrument to measure OH reactivity using laser flash photolysis coupled to laser-induced fluorescence (LFP-LIF) spectroscopy.