Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Research article
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28 May 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 28 May 2020

N2O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy: analyzer characterization and intercomparison

Stephen J. Harris, Jesper Liisberg, Longlong Xia, Jing Wei, Kerstin Zeyer, Longfei Yu, Matti Barthel, Benjamin Wolf, Bryce F. J. Kelly, Dioni I. Cendón, Thomas Blunier, Johan Six, and Joachim Mohn

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 10527–10555,,, 2021
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The latest commercial laser spectrometers have the potential to revolutionize N2O isotope analysis. However, to do so, they must be able to produce trustworthy data. Here, we test the performance of widely used laser spectrometers for ambient air applications and identify instrument-specific dependencies on gas matrix and trace gas concentrations. We then provide a calibration workflow to facilitate the operation of these instruments in order to generate reproducible and accurate data.