Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Research article
23 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 23 Feb 2022

Detection of nitrous acid in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR using open-path incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy and extractive long-path absorption photometry

Sophie Dixneuf, Albert A. Ruth, Rolf Häseler, Theo Brauers, Franz Rohrer, and Hans-Peter Dorn

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 12631–12649,,, 2023
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Measurement report: Carbonyl sulfide production during dimethyl sulfide oxidation in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR
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Comparison of isoprene chemical mechanisms under atmospheric night-time conditions in chamber experiments: evidence of hydroperoxy aldehydes and epoxy products from NO3 oxidation
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Atmospheric chambers, like SAPHIR in Jülich (Germany), are used to experimentally simulate specific atmospheric scenarios to improve our understanding of the complex chemical reactions occurring in our atmospheres. These facilities hence require cutting-edge gas-sensing capabilities to detect trace gases at the lowest level and in a short time. One important trace gas is HONO, for which we custom-built an optical sensing setup, capable of detecting one HONO molecule in ~40 billion in 1 min.