Articles | Volume 16, issue 24
Research article
20 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2023

Performance and sensitivity of column-wise and pixel-wise methane retrievals for imaging spectrometers

Alana K. Ayasse, Daniel Cusworth, Kelly O'Neill, Justin Fisk, Andrew K. Thorpe, and Riley Duren

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 14577–14591,,, 2023
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Cited articles

Ayasse, A. K., Thorpe, A. K., Roberts, D. A., Funk, C. C., Dennison, P. E., Frankenberg, C., Steffke, A., and Aubrey, A. D.: Evaluating the effects of surface properties on methane retrievals using a synthetic airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer next generation (AVIRIS-NG) image, Remote Sens. Environ., 215, 386–397,, 2018. 
Carbon Mapper: Map, Carbon Mapper, OpenStreetMap [data set], (last access: 20 April 2022), 2021. 
Conrad, B. M., Tyner, D. R., and Johnson, M. R.: Robust probabilities of detection and quantification uncertainty for aerial methane detection: Examples for three airborne technologies, Remote Sens. Environ., 288, 113499,, 2023. 
Cusworth, D. H., Jacob, D. J., Varon, D. J., Chan Miller, C., Liu, X., Chance, K., Thorpe, A. K., Duren, R. M., Miller, C. E., Thompson, D. R., Frankenberg, C., Guanter, L., and Randles, C. A.: Potential of next-generation imaging spectrometers to detect and quantify methane point sources from space, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 5655–5668,, 2019. 
Cusworth, D. H., Duren, R. M., Yadav, V., Thorpe, A. K., Verhulst, K., Sander, S., Hopkins, F., Rafiq, T., and Miller, C. E.: Synthesis of methane observations across scales: Strategies for deploying a multitiered observing network, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL087869,, 2020. 
Short summary
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, and a significant portion of methane comes from large individual plumes. Recently, airplane-mounted infrared technologies have proven very good at detecting and quantifying these plumes. In order to extract the methane signal from the infrared image, there are two widely used approaches. In this study, we assess the performance of both approaches using controlled-release experiments. We also examine the minimum detection limit of the infrared technology.