Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Research article
29 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 29 Apr 2020

Validation of acetonitrile (CH3CN) measurements in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere from the SMILES instrument on the International Space Station

Tamaki Fujinawa, Tomohiro O. Sato, Takayoshi Yamada, Seidai Nara, Yuki Uchiyama, Kodai Takahashi, Naohiro Yoshida, and Yasuko Kasai

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Preprint withdrawn
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Short summary
We performed an error analysis of SMILES observations for acetonitrile and a validation using the MLS observations by extracting the coincident points between SMILES and MLS data. The major error sources for the SMILES observations were quantitatively estimated. At upper pressure levels the difference between the two datasets increased because of an uncertainty in MLS observations. The results showed that SMILES has an advantage in measuring acetonitrile in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere.