Articles | Volume 16, issue 11
Research article
02 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 02 Jun 2023

The four-wavelength Photoacoustic Aerosol Absorption Spectrometer (PAAS-4λ)

Franz Martin Schnaiter, Claudia Linke, Eija Asmi, Henri Servomaa, Antti-Pekka Hyvärinen, Sho Ohata, Yutaka Kondo, and Emma Järvinen

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 7955–7973,,, 2023
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Investigating the vertical extent and short-wave radiative effects of the ice phase in Arctic summertime low-level clouds
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Cited articles

Ajtai, T., Ágnes Filep, Schnaiter, M., Linke, C., Vragel, M., Bozóki, Z., Szabó;, G., and Leisner, T.: A novel multii-wavelength photoacoustic spectrometer for the measurement of the UV-vis-NIR spectral absorption coefficient of atmospheric aerosols, J. Aerosol Sci., 41, 1020–1029, 2010. a, b
Arnott, W. P., Moosmüller, H., and Walker, J. W.: Nitrogen dioxide and kerosene-flame soot calibration of photoacoustic instruments for measurement of light absorption by aerosols, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 71, 4545,, 2000. a
Asmi, E., Backman, J., Servomaa, H., Virkkula, A., Gini, M. I., Eleftheriadis, K., Müller, T., Ohata, S., Kondo, Y., and Hyvärinen, A.: Absorption instruments inter-comparison campaign at the Arctic Pallas station, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 5397–5413,, 2021. a, b, c
Bluvshtein, N., Flores, J. M., He, Q., Segre, E., Segev, L., Hong, N., Donohue, A., Hilfiker, J. N., and Rudich, Y.: Calibration of a multi-pass photoacoustic spectrometer cell using light-absorbing aerosols, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 1203–1213,, 2017. a, b, c
Bozóki, Z., Pogány, A., and Szabó, G.: Photoacoustic instruments for practical applications: Present, potentials, and future challenges, Appl. Spectrosc. Rev., 46, 1–37,, 2011. a, b, c, d
Short summary
Light-absorbing particles from combustion processes are important contributors to climate warming. Their highly variable spectral light absorption properties need to be monitored in the field. Commonly used methods show measurement artefacts that are difficult to correct. We introduce a new instrument that is based on the photoacoustic effect. Long-term operation in the Finnish Arctic demonstrates the applicability of the new instrument for unattended light absorption monitoring.