Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
03 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 03 Mar 2016

Coded continuous wave meteor radar

Juha Vierinen, Jorge L. Chau, Nico Pfeffer, Matthias Clahsen, and Gunter Stober

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Subject: Others (Wind, Precipitation, Temperature, etc.) | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Instruments and Platforms
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Cited articles

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Chau, J., Strelnikova, I., Schult, C., Oppenheim, M., Kelley, M., Stober, G., and Singer, W.: Nonspecular meteor trails from non-field-aligned irregularities: Can they be explained by presence of charged meteor dust?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 3336–3343, 2014.
Dyrud, L. P., Oppenheim, M. M., Close, S., and Hunt, S.: Interpretation of non-specular radar meteor trails, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 8-1–8-4, 2002.
Short summary
This paper describes the use of pseudorandom coded continuous wave radar transmissions for meteor radar. This avoids range-aliased echoes, maximizes pulse compression gain, is less susceptible to RFI, allows time resolution to be changed flexibly, and enables multiple transmitters to operate on the same frequency without interfering each other. These features make the radar well suited for multi-static meteor radar networks. We show results from a measurement campaign to demonstrate the method.