Articles | Volume 10, issue 11
Research article
08 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 08 Nov 2017

Combined neural network/Phillips–Tikhonov approach to aerosol retrievals over land from the NASA Research Scanning Polarimeter

Antonio Di Noia, Otto P. Hasekamp, Lianghai Wu, Bastiaan van Diedenhoven, Brian Cairns, and John E. Yorks

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Surface reflectance biases in XCH4 retrievals from the 2.3 μm band are enhanced in the presence of aerosols
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Preprint under review for AMT
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Cited articles

Berdnik, V. V., Mukhamedyarov, R. D., and Loiko, V. A.: Sizing of soft spheroidal particles by multiangle scattered light intensity data: application of neural networks, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Ra., 89, 279–289,, 2004.
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Cairns, B., Russell, E. E., and Travis, L. D.: Research Scanning Polarimeter: calibration and ground-based measurements, in: Proc. SPIE 3754, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing II, 186,, 1999.
Short summary
In this paper an algorithm for the retrieval of aerosol properties from NASA Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) data is presented. An artificial neural network is used to produce a first estimate of the aerosol properties, which is then improved using an iterative retrieval scheme based on Phillips–Tikhonov regularization. Using the neural network retrievals as a first guess for the Phillips–Tikhonov improved the retrieval convergence, confirming results previously found on ground-based data.