Articles | Volume 17, issue 14
Research article
29 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 29 Jul 2024

Evaluation of optimized flux chamber design for measurement of ammonia emission after field application of slurry with full-scale farm machinery

Johanna Pedersen, Sasha D. Hafner, Andreas Pacholski, Valthor I. Karlsson, Li Rong, Rodrigo Labouriau, and Jesper N. Kamp

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Field-applied animal slurry is a significant source of NH3 emission. A new system of dynamic flux chambers for NH3 measurements was developed and validated using three field trials in order to assess the variability after application with a trailing hose at different scales: manual (handheld) application,  a 3 m slurry boom, and a 30 m slurry boom. The system facilitates NH3 emission measurement with replication after both manual and farm-scale slurry application with relatively high precision.