Articles | Volume 7, issue 11
Research article
19 Nov 2014
Research article |  | 19 Nov 2014

Quantifying the value of redundant measurements at GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network sites

F. Madonna, M. Rosoldi, J. Güldner, A. Haefele, R. Kivi, M. P. Cadeddu, D. Sisterson, and G. Pappalardo

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EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).
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Effect of sampling error on ozone partial pressure trends within a unified ozonesounding dataset
Fabrizio Marra, Emanuele Tramutola, Marco Rosoldi, and Fabio Madonna
EGUsphere,,, 2024
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).
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Water vapour fluxes at a Mediterranean coastal site during the summer of 2021: observations, comparison with atmospheric reanalysis, and implications for extreme events
Fabio Madonna, Benedetto De Rosa, Simone Gagliardi, Ilaria Gandolfi, Yassmina Hesham Essa, Domenico Madonna, Fabrizio Marra, Maria Assunta Menniti, Donato Summa, Emanuele Tramutola, Faezeh Karimian Saracks, Filomena Romano, and Marco Rosoldi
Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for ESD
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Inter-comparison of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) height estimates from different profiling sensors and models in the framework of HyMeX-SOP1
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Intercomparison of Vaisala RS92 and RS41 radiosonde temperature sensors under controlled laboratory conditions
Marco Rosoldi, Graziano Coppa, Andrea Merlone, Chiara Musacchio, and Fabio Madonna
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Preprint withdrawn
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Subject: Gases | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Validation and Intercomparisons
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Benchmarking data-driven inversion methods for the estimation of local CO2 emissions from synthetic satellite images of XCO2 and NO2
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Validation of 12 years (2008–2019) of IASI-A CO with IAGOS aircraft observations
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Diurnal variations of NO2 tropospheric vertical column density over the Seoul metropolitan area from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS): seasonal differences and the influence of the a priori NO2 profile
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Validation of ACE-FTS version 5.2 ozone data with ozonesonde measurements
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Cited articles

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The paper provides the community with criteria to quantify the value of complementary climate measurements and to assess how the uncertainty in a measurement of an ECV is reduced by measurement complementarity. The study demonstrates the potential of entropy and mutual correlation, defined in information theory as metrics for quantifying synergies, and shows that the random uncertainties of a single instrument time series of TCWV can be strongly reduced by including complementary measurements.