Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
23 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 23 Aug 2022

Intercomparison of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric water vapor measurements over the Asian Summer Monsoon during the StratoClim campaign

Clare E. Singer, Benjamin W. Clouser, Sergey M. Khaykin, Martina Krämer, Francesco Cairo, Thomas Peter, Alexey Lykov, Christian Rolf, Nicole Spelten, Armin Afchine, Simone Brunamonti, and Elisabeth J. Moyer

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Cited articles

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Cairo, F., Di Donfrancesco, G., Snels, M., Fierli, F., Viterbini, M., Borrmann, S., and Frey, W.: A comparison of light backscattering and particle size distribution measurements in tropical cirrus clouds, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 557–570,, 2011. a
Clouser, B. W., Sarkozy, L., Singer, C. E., KleinStern, C., Gaeta, D., Khaykin, S., and Moyer, E. J.: The Airborn Chicago Water Isotope Spectrometer (ChiWIS): An Integrated Cavity Output Spectrometer for Measurements of the HDO/H2O Isotopic Ratio, in preparation for Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2022. a, b
Short summary
In situ measurements of water vapor in the upper troposphere are necessary to study cloud formation and hydration of the stratosphere but challenging due to cold–dry conditions. We compare measurements from three water vapor instruments from the StratoClim campaign in 2017. In clear sky (clouds), point-by-point differences were <1.5±8 % (<1±8 %). This excellent agreement allows detection of fine-scale structures required to understand the impact of convection on stratospheric water vapor.