Articles | Volume 17, issue 19
Research article
02 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 02 Oct 2024

Supercooled liquid water cloud classification using lidar backscatter peak properties

Luke Edgar Whitehead, Adrian James McDonald, and Adrien Guyot

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 15181–15196,,, 2023
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Machine learning of cloud types in satellite observations and climate models
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Subject: Clouds | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Data Processing and Information Retrieval
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Cited articles

Alexander, S. P. and Protat, A.: Cloud Properties Observed From the Surface and by Satellite at the Northern Edge of the Southern Ocean, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 123, 443–456,, 2018. a
Bhatti, Y. A., Revell, L. E., Schuddeboom, A. J., McDonald, A. J., Archibald, A. T., Williams, J., Venugopal, A. U., Hardacre, C., and Behrens, E.: The sensitivity of Southern Ocean atmospheric dimethyl sulfide (DMS) to modeled oceanic DMS concentrations and emissions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 15181–15196,, 2023. a
Blanchard, Y., Pelon, J., Eloranta, E. W., Moran, K. P., Delanoë, J., and Sèze, G.: A Synergistic Analysis of Cloud Cover and Vertical Distribution from A-Train and Ground-Based Sensors over the High Arctic Station Eureka from 2006 to 2010, J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 53, 2553–2570,, 2014. a
Bodas-Salcedo, A., Hill, P. G., Furtado, K., Williams, K. D., Field, P. R., Manners, J. C., Hyder, P., and Kato, S.: Large Contribution of Supercooled Liquid Clouds to the Solar Radiation Budget of the Southern Ocean, J. Climate, 29, 4213–4228,, 2016. a
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Short summary
Supercooled liquid water cloud is important to represent in weather and climate models, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere. Previous work has developed a new machine learning method for measuring supercooled liquid water in Antarctic clouds using simple lidar observations. We evaluate this technique using a lidar dataset from Christchurch, New Zealand, and develop an updated algorithm for accurate supercooled liquid water detection at mid-latitudes.