Articles | Volume 12, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2019

In-flight calibration and monitoring of the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) short-wave infrared (SWIR) module

Tim A. van Kempen, Richard M. van Hees, Paul J. J. Tol, Ilse Aben, and Ruud W. M. Hoogeveen

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Characterization and correction of stray light in TROPOMI-SWIR
Paul J. J. Tol, Tim A. van Kempen, Richard M. van Hees, Matthijs Krijger, Sidney Cadot, Ralph Snel, Stefan T. Persijn, Ilse Aben, and Ruud W. M. Hoogeveen
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Cited articles

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Hoogeveen, R. W. M., Voors, R., Robbins, M. S., Tol, P. J. J., and Ivanov, I. T.: Characterization results of the TROPOMI Short Wave InfraRed detector, Proc. SPIE, 8889,, 2013. a, b, c, d, e, f, g
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Tol, P. J. J., van Kempen, T. A., van Hees, R. M., Krijger, M., Cadot, S., Snel, R., Persijn, S. T., Aben, I., and Hoogeveen, R. W. M.: Characterization and correction of stray light in TROPOMI-SWIR, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 4493–4507,, 2018. a, b, c, d
Short summary
This paper presents the TROPOMI-SWIR performance and health after a year of full operations. Using the on-going monitoring program, TROPOMI-SWIR is shown to be in excellent health and is performing as well as, if not better than, expected. With the exception of a tiny loss of detector pixels (less than 0.05 % over a full year), no components appear to be degrading. We show that TROPOMI-SWIR is expected to keep on providing excellent data for the full S5-P lifetime.