Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
27 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 27 Apr 2018

Intercomparison of aerosol measurements performed with multi-wavelength Raman lidars, automatic lidars and ceilometers in the framework of INTERACT-II campaign

Fabio Madonna, Marco Rosoldi, Simone Lolli, Francesco Amato, Joshua Vande Hey, Ranvir Dhillon, Yunhui Zheng, Mike Brettle, and Gelsomina Pappalardo

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The accurate monitoring of climate based on the use of low-cost and low-maintenance automatic system represents one of the challenges for the scientific community and instrument manufacturers for the next decade. In the frame of two experiments, INTERACT and INTERACT-II, taking place at CIAO (CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory) in Tito Scalo, Potenza, Italy, commercial low-cost lidars have been compared with advanced lidar systems to assess their performances.