Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
27 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 27 Apr 2018

Adaption of an array spectroradiometer for total ozone column retrieval using direct solar irradiance measurements in the UV spectral range

Ralf Zuber, Peter Sperfeld, Stefan Riechelmann, Saulius Nevas, Meelis Sildoja, and Gunther Seckmeyer

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Cited articles

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Short summary
A compact array spectroradiometer technology that enables precise and robust measurements of UV spectral irradiance is presented. We show that this instrument can retrieve total ozone column (TOC) accurately. The internal stray light, which is often the limiting factor for measurements in the UV spectral range, is physically reduced so that no other stray-light reduction methods are needed. During an international total ozone measurement intercomparison, the high quality was verified.