Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Research article
11 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 11 Jun 2018

Sensitivity study of the instrumental temperature corrections on Brewer total ozone column measurements

Alberto Berjón, Alberto Redondas, Meelis-Mait Sildoja, Saulius Nevas, Keith Wilson, Sergio F. León-Luis, Omar el Gawhary, and Ilias Fountoulakis

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The Brewer spectrophotometer has been used for decades as reference instrument to retrieve total ozone column (TOC) and for validation of satellite based measurements. This spectrophotometer has a thermal sensitivity already known, which is usually characterized using two different retrieval procedures. In this work, we report on a comparative study of the temperature coefficients retrieval procedures, obtaining differences less that 0.08 % in TOC when using any of the procedures.