Articles | Volume 9, issue 10
Research article
07 Oct 2016
Research article |  | 07 Oct 2016

Carbon monoxide total column retrievals from TROPOMI shortwave infrared measurements

Jochen Landgraf, Joost aan de Brugh, Remco Scheepmaker, Tobias Borsdorff, Haili Hu, Sander Houweling, Andre Butz, Ilse Aben, and Otto Hasekamp

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Plume detection and emission estimate for biomass burning plumes from TROPOMI carbon monoxide observations using APE v1.1
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Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 4835–4852,,, 2023
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Vertical information of CO from TROPOMI total column measurements in context of the CAMS-IFS data assimilation scheme
Tobias Borsdorff, Teresa Campos, Natalie Kille, Kyle J. Zarzana, Rainer Volkamer, and Jochen Landgraf
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 3027–3038,,, 2023
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Accounting for surface reflectance spectral features in TROPOMI methane retrievals
Alba Lorente, Tobias Borsdorff, Mari C. Martinez-Velarte, and Jochen Landgraf
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1597–1608,,, 2023
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Evaluation of the methane full-physics retrieval applied to TROPOMI ocean sun glint measurements
Alba Lorente, Tobias Borsdorff, Mari C. Martinez-Velarte, Andre Butz, Otto P. Hasekamp, Lianghai Wu, and Jochen Landgraf
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 6585–6603,,, 2022
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Assimilation of S5P/TROPOMI carbon monoxide data with the global CAMS near-real-time system
Antje Inness, Ilse Aben, Melanie Ades, Tobias Borsdorff, Johannes Flemming, Luke Jones, Jochen Landgraf, Bavo Langerock, Philippe Nedelec, Mark Parrington, and Roberto Ribas
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 14355–14376,,, 2022
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Subject: Gases | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Data Processing and Information Retrieval
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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18, 555–567,,, 2025
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Optimal selection of satellite XCO2 images for urban CO2 emission monitoring
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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18, 533–554,,, 2025
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Separating and quantifying facility-level methane emissions with overlapping plumes for spaceborne methane monitoring
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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18, 455–470,,, 2025
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Retrieving the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane from the European Copernicus CO2M satellite mission using artificial neural networks
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The differences between remote sensing and in situ air pollutant measurements over the Canadian oil sands
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Cited articles

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Borsdorff, T., Hasekamp, O. P., Wassmann, A., and Landgraf, J.: Insights into Tikhonov regularization: application to trace gas column retrieval and the efficient calculation of total column averaging kernels, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 523–535,, 2014.