Articles | Volume 17, issue 19
Research article
10 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 10 Oct 2024

Evaluation of Aeolus feature mask and particle extinction coefficient profile products using CALIPSO data

Ping Wang, David Patrick Donovan, Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff, Jos de Kloe, Dorit Huber, and Katja Reissig

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Donovan, D. P., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., and Wang, P.: The EarthCARE lidar cloud and aerosol profile processor (A-PRO): the A-AER, A-EBD, A-TC, and A-ICE products, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5301–5340,, 2024a. a, b, c, d, e, f
Donovan, D. P., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., and Wang, P.: Aeolus/ALADIN Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document Level 2A products AEL-FM, AEL-PRO, Document Version V2.00, algorithm-theoretical-baseline-document-ael-fm-and-ael-pro- products (last access: 2 August 2024), 2024b. a, b
Short summary
We describe the new feature mask (AEL-FM) and aerosol profile retrieval (AEL-PRO) algorithms developed for Aeolus lidar and present the evaluation of the Aeolus products using CALIPSO data for dust aerosols over Africa. We have found that Aeolus and CALIPSO show similar aerosol patterns in the collocated orbits and have good agreement for the extinction coefficients for the dust aerosols, especially for the cloud-free scenes. The finding is applicable to Aeolus L2A product Baseline 17.