Articles | Volume 10, issue 11
Research article
15 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2017

Intercomparison of Pandora stratospheric NO2 slant column product with the NDACC-certified M07 spectrometer in Lauder, New Zealand

Travis N. Knepp, Richard Querel, Paul Johnston, Larry Thomason, David Flittner, and Joseph M. Zawodny

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Characterization of stratospheric particle size distribution uncertainties using SAGE II and SAGE III/ISS extinction spectra
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Quantifying SAGE II (1984–2005) and SAGE III/ISS (2017–2022) observations of smoke in the stratosphere
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SAGE III/ISS aerosol/cloud categorization and its impact on GloSSAC
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The SAGE-III instrument was launched in February 2017. As with any new instrument, a significant post-launch activity is planned to validate the data products. Validation of trace gases with short photolytic lifetimes is challenging, though careful use of Pandora-type instruments may prove beneficial. A careful intercomparison of Pandora and NIWA's M07 instrument was carried out. Results show Pandora to be well correlated with M07, showing its viability as a validation tool for SAGE science.