Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
14 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2022

Retrieving H2O/HDO columns over cloudy and clear-sky scenes from the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)

Andreas Schneider, Tobias Borsdorff, Joost aan de Brugh, Alba Lorente, Franziska Aemisegger, David Noone, Dean Henze, Rigel Kivi, and Jochen Landgraf

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Cited articles

Aemisegger, F. and Papritz, L.: A Climatology of Strong Large-Scale Ocean Evaporation Events. Part I: Identification, Global Distribution, and Associated Climate Conditions, J. Climate, 31, 7287–7312,, 2018. a
Aemisegger, F., Vogel, R., Graf, P., Dahinden, F., Villiger, L., Jansen, F., Bony, S., Stevens, B., and Wernli, H.: How Rossby wave breaking modulates the water cycle in the North Atlantic trade wind region, Weather Clim. Dynam., 2, 281–309,, 2021. a
Barthlott, S., Schneider, M., Hase, F., Blumenstock, T., Mengistu Tsidu, G., Grutter de la Mora, M., Strong, K., Notholt, J., Mahieu, E., Jones, N., and Smale, D.: The ground-based MUSICA dataset: Tropospheric water vapour isotopologues (H216O, H218O, and HD16O) as obtained from NDACC/FTIR solar absorption spectra, Zenodo [data set],, 2016. a
Barthlott, S., Schneider, M., Hase, F., Blumenstock, T., Kiel, M., Dubravica, D., García, O. E., Sepúlveda, E., Mengistu Tsidu, G., Takele Kenea, S., Grutter, M., Plaza-Medina, E. F., Stremme, W., Strong, K., Weaver, D., Palm, M., Warneke, T., Notholt, J., Mahieu, E., Servais, C., Jones, N., Griffith, D. W. T., Smale, D., and Robinson, J.: Tropospheric water vapour isotopologue data (H216O, H218O, and HD16O) as obtained from NDACC/FTIR solar absorption spectra, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 15–29,, 2017. a, b
Barthlott, S., Schneider, M., Hase, F., Röhling, A. N., Blumenstock, T., Mengistu Tsidu, G., Grutter de la Mora, M., Strong, K., Notholt, J., Mahieu, E., Jones, N., and Smale, D.: The ground-based MUSICA dataset: Tropospheric water vapour isotopologues (H216O, H218O, and HD16O) as obtained from NDACC/FTIR solar absorption spectra, KIT [data set], (last access: 24 March 2021), 2020. a
Short summary
This paper presents an extended H₂O/HDO total column dataset from short-wave infrared measurements by TROPOMI including cloudy and clear-sky scenes. Coverage is tremendously increased compared to previous TROPOMI HDO datasets. The new dataset is validated against recent ground-based FTIR measurements from TCCON and against aircraft measurements over the ocean. The use of the new dataset is demonstrated with a case study of a cold air outbreak in January 2020.