Articles | Volume 7, issue 11
Research article
06 Nov 2014
Research article |  | 06 Nov 2014

MIPAS temperature from the stratosphere to the lower thermosphere: Comparison of vM21 with ACE-FTS, MLS, OSIRIS, SABER, SOFIE and lidar measurements

M. García-Comas, B. Funke, A. Gardini, M. López-Puertas, A. Jurado-Navarro, T. von Clarmann, G. Stiller, M. Kiefer, C. D. Boone, T. Leblanc, B. T. Marshall, M. J. Schwartz, and P. E. Sheese

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Cited articles

Boone, C. D., Walker, K. A., and Bernath, P. F.: Version 3 retrievals for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier T}ransform Spectrometer (ACE–FTS), in: The {Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ACE at 10: A Solar Occultation Anthology, edited by: Bernath, P. F., 103–127, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, Virginia, USA, 2013.
Funke, B., López-Puertas, M., Garc\'ia-Comas, M., Kaufmann, M., Höpfner, M., and Stiller, G. P.: GRANADA: a Generic RAdiative traNsfer AnD non-LTE population Algorithm, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Ra., 113, 1771–1817,, 2012.
Garcia, R. R., Marsh, D. R., Kinnison, D. E., Boville, B. A., and Sassi, F.: Simulation of secular trends in the middle atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09301,, 2007.
García-Comas, M., López-Puertas, M., Marshall, B., Wintersteiner, P. P., Funke, B., Bermejo-Pantaléon, D., Mertens, C. J., Remsberg, E. E., Gordley, L. L., Mlynczak, M., and Russell, J.: Errors in SABER kinetic temperature caused by non-LTE model parameters, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D24106,, 2008.
Short summary
We present the new vM21 MIPAS temperatures from 20 to 102km for all of its 2005-2012 MA, UA and NLC measurements. The main upgrades are the update of ESA L1b spectra, spectroscopic database and O and CO2 climatologies, and improvement in Tk-gradient and offset regularizations and apodization accuracy. The vM21 Tk's correct the main systematic errors of previous versions and lead to remarkable improvement in their comparisons with ACE-FTS, MLS, OSIRIS, SABER and SOFIE and the MLO and TMF lidars.